Alberto Longo
Alberto Longo
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Counting the cost of vulture decline—an appraisal of the human health and other benefits of vultures in India
A Markandya, T Taylor, A Longo, MN Murty, S Murty, K Dhavala
Ecological economics 67 (2), 194-204, 2008
The internalization of externalities in the production of electricity: willingness to pay for the attributes of a policy for renewable energy
A Longo, A Markandya, M Petrucci
Ecological economics 67 (1), 140-152, 2008
Smart meter devices and the effect of feedback on residential electricity consumption: Evidence from a natural experiment in Northern Ireland
W Gans, A Alberini, A Longo
Energy Economics 36, 729-743, 2013
A contingent valuation of the 2012 London Olympic Games: A regional perspective
H Walton, A Longo, P Dawson
Journal of sports economics 9 (3), 304-317, 2008
Valuing environmental amenities using stated choice studies
BJ Kanninen
Springer, 2007
The role of liability, regulation and economic incentives in brownfield remediation and redevelopment: evidence from surveys of developers
A Alberini, A Longo, S Tonin, F Trombetta, M Turvani
Regional Science and Urban Economics 35 (4), 327-351, 2005
Combining the travel cost and contingent behavior methods to value cultural heritage sites: Evidence from Armenia
A Alberini, A Longo
Journal of cultural Economics 30, 287-304, 2006
Willingness to pay for ancillary benefits of climate change mitigation
A Longo, D Hoyos, A Markandya
Environmental and resource economics 51, 119-140, 2012
Information and willingness to pay in a contingent valuation study: the value of S. Erasmo in the Lagoon of Venice
A Alberini, P Rosato, A Longo, V Zanatta
Journal of environmental planning and management 48 (2), 155-175, 2005
Can people value the aesthetic and use services of urban sites? Evidence from a survey of Belfast residents
A Alberini, P Riganti, A Longo
Journal of cultural economics 27, 193-213, 2003
Environmental pricing of externalities from different sources of electricity generation in Chile
C Aravena, WG Hutchinson, A Longo
Energy economics 34 (4), 1214-1225, 2012
Economic valuation of ecosystem goods and services: a review for decision makers
R Tinch, N Beaumont, T Sunderland, E Ozdemiroglu, D Barton, C Bowe, ...
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 8 (4), 359-378, 2019
Food fraud and consumers’ choices in the wake of the horsemeat scandal
L Agnoli, R Capitello, M De Salvo, A Longo, M Boeri
British Food Journal 118 (8), 1898-1913, 2016
Basic statistical models for stated choice studies
A Alberini, A Longo, M Veronesi
Valuing environmental amenities using stated choice studies: A common sense …, 2007
Valuing algal bloom in the Black Sea Coast of Bulgaria: A choice experiments approach
T Taylor, A Longo
Journal of Environmental Management 91 (10), 1963-1971, 2010
The determinants of brownfields redevelopment in England
A Longo, D Campbell
Environmental and Resource Economics 67, 261-283, 2017
The importance of regret minimization in the choice for renewable energy programmes: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment
M Boeri, A Longo
Energy Economics 63, 253-260, 2017
What are the effects of contamination risks on commercial and industrial properties? Evidence from Baltimore, Maryland
A Longo, A Alberini
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 49 (5), 713-737, 2006
Site choices in recreational demand: a matter of utility maximization or regret minimization?
M Boeri, A Longo, E Doherty, S Hynes
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 1 (1), 32-47, 2012
The role of regret minimization in lifestyle choices affecting the risk of coronary heart disease
M Boeri, A Longo, JM Grisolía, WG Hutchinson, F Kee
Journal of health economics 32 (1), 253-260, 2013
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