Deep inner-shell multiphoton ionization by intense x-ray free-electron laser pulses H Fukuzawa, SK Son, K Motomura, S Mondal, K Nagaya, S Wada, XJ Liu, ...
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Physical review letters 96 (24), 243402, 2006
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89 2010 Charge and Nuclear Dynamics Induced by Deep Inner-Shell Multiphoton Ionization of CH3 I Molecules by Intense X-ray Free-Electron Laser Pulses K Motomura, E Kukk, H Fukuzawa, S Wada, K Nagaya, S Ohmura, ...
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71 2007 Sequential multiphoton multiple ionization of atomic argon and xenon irradiated by x-ray free-electron laser pulses from SACLA K Motomura, H Fukuzawa, SK Son, S Mondal, T Tachibana, Y Ito, ...
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59 2016 Frustration of direct photoionization of Ar clusters in intense extreme ultraviolet pulses from a free electron laser H Iwayama, K Nagaya, M Yao, H Fukuzawa, XJ Liu, G Prümper, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 42 (13), 134019, 2009
58 2009 Multiple ionization of atomic argon irradiated by EUV free-electron laser pulses at 62 nm: evidence of sequential electron strip K Motomura, H Fukuzawa, L Foucar, XJ Liu, G Prümper, K Ueda, N Saito, ...
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57 2009 Localization of inner-shell photoelectron emission and interatomic Coulombic decay in Ne2 K Kreidi, T Jahnke, T Weber, T Havermeier, RE Grisenti, X Liu, Y Morisita, ...
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