Butje Louk Fanggi
Butje Louk Fanggi
Politeknik Negeri Kupang
Email yang diverifikasi di pnk.ac.id
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Axial compressive behavior of FRP-concrete-steel double-skin tubular columns made of normal-and high-strength concrete
T Ozbakkaloglu, BL Fanggi
Journal of Composites for Construction 18 (1), 04013027, 2014
Compressive behavior of aramid FRP–HSC–steel double-skin tubular columns
BAL Fanggi, T Ozbakkaloglu
Construction and Building Materials 48, 554-565, 2013
FRP–HSC–steel composite columns: behavior under monotonic and cyclic axial compression
T Ozbakkaloglu, BA Louk Fanggi
Materials and Structures 48, 1075-1093, 2015
Square FRP–HSC–steel composite columns: Behavior under axial compression
BAL Fanggi, T Ozbakkaloglu
Engineering Structures 92, 156-171, 2015
Behavior of hollow and concrete-filled FRP-HSC and FRP-HSC-steel composite columns subjected to concentric compression
BAL Fanggi, T Ozbakkaloglu
Advances in Structural Engineering 18 (5), 715-738, 2015
Confinement model for concrete in circular and square FRP–concrete–steel double-skin composite columns
T Ozbakkaloglu, BAL Fanggi, J Zheng
Materials & Design 96, 458-469, 2016
Behavior of FRP-HSC-steel double-skin tubular columns under cyclic axial compression
M Albitar, T Ozbakkaloglu, BA Louk Fanggi
Journal of Composites for Construction 19 (2), 04014041, 2015
Research into the dynamic development trend of the competitiveness of China’s regional construction industry
B Liu, X Wang, C Chen, Z Ma
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 18, 1-10, 2014
Effect of inner steel tube cross-sectional shape on compressive behavior of square FRP-concrete-steel double-skin tubular columns
BA Louk Fanggi, T Ozbakkloglu
Applied Mechanics and Materials 752, 578-583, 2015
Kuat Tekan Kolom Beton Ringan Yang Diperkuat Dengan Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Tube
BAL Fanggi, AH Muda, AE Mata, AAU Nday, M Bria, ARL Wayan
JUTEKS: Jurnal Teknik Sipil 3 (1), 259-265, 2018
Behaviour of FRP confined concrete cylinders under different temperature exposure
M Hadi, BA Fanggi
University of Wollongong, 2012
Influence of concrete-filling inner steel tube on compressive behavior of double-skin tubular columns
BA Louk Fanggi, T Ozbakkaloglu
Advanced Materials Research 838, 535-539, 2014
An Experimental Study on Behavior of FRP-HSC-Steel Double-Skin Tubular Columns under Concentric Compression
T Ozbakkloglu, BAL Fanggi
Applied Mechanics and Materials 357, 565-569, 2013
Klasifikasi Batako berbahan dasar tanah putih di Kota Kupang dan Sekitarnya: Kajian terhadap Kuat tekan batako
BAL Fanggi
Kupang: Politeknik Negeri Kupang, 2007
Effect of Loading Pattern on Performance of FRP-HSC-Steel Double Skin Tubular Columns
BA Louk Fanggi, T Ozbakkaloglu
Advanced Materials Research 919, 83-87, 2014
Influence of Inner Steel Tube Properties on Compressive Behavior of FRP-HSC-Steel Double-Skin Tubular Columns
BAL Fanggi, T Ozbakkaloglu
Applied Mechanics and Materials 438, 701-705, 2013
Axial compressive behavior of FRP–concrete–steel double-skin tubular columns made of normal-and high-strength concrete. J Compos ConstrASCE 2013
T Ozbakkaloglu, BA Louk Fanggi
Perilaku tegangan-regangan beton yang terbuat dari agregat ringan buatan yang diperkuat dengan carbon fiber reinforced polymer
BAL Fanggi, B Suswanto, Y Tajunnisa, AB Habieb, JWM Rafael, ...
Jurnal Teknik Sipil 12 (2), 156-164, 2023
Effect of FRP thickness on axial compressive behavior of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer–confined lightweight concrete cylinders
BAL Fanggi, AG Lake, L Dumin, A Wadu, YAA Lada, MC Mauta
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1098 (2), 022049, 2021
Influence of Number of FRP layer on Compressive Behavior of FRP-Confined Lightweight Concrete
BAL Fanggi, MRS Moata, ARL Wayan, AE Mata, M Benu
ICESC 2019: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Engineering …, 2019
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