Alessandro Di Giorgio
Alessandro Di Giorgio
Email yang diverifikasi di diag.uniroma1.it
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An event driven smart home controller enabling consumer economic saving and automated demand side management
A Di Giorgio, L Pimpinella
Applied energy 96, 92-103, 2012
Electric vehicles charging control in a smart grid: A model predictive control approach
A Di Giorgio, F Liberati, S Canale
Control Engineering Practice 22, 147-162, 2014
Near real time load shifting control for residential electricity prosumers under designed and market indexed pricing models
A Di Giorgio, F Liberati
Applied Energy 128, 119-132, 2014
Open-source implementation of monitoring and controlling services for EMS/SCADA systems by means of web services—IEC 61850 and IEC 61970 standards
A Mercurio, A Di Giorgio, P Cioci
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 24 (3), 1148-1153, 2009
Model predictive control of energy storage systems for power tracking and shaving in distribution grids
A Di Giorgio, F Liberati, A Lanna, A Pietrabissa, FD Priscoli
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 8 (2), 496-504, 2016
A Bayesian network-based approach to the critical infrastructure interdependencies analysis
A Di Giorgio, F Liberati
IEEE Systems Journal 6 (3), 510-519, 2012
Role of residual acute stent malapposition in percutaneous coronary interventions
E Romagnoli, L Gatto, A La Manna, F Burzotta, N Taglieri, F Saia, F Amico, ...
Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions 90 (4), 566-575, 2017
An event driven smart home controller enabling cost effective use of electric energy and automated demand side management
A Di Giorgio, L Pimpinella, A Quaresima, S Curti
2011 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), 358-364, 2011
A model predictive control approach to the load shifting problem in a household equipped with an energy storage unit
A Di Giorgio, L Pimpinella, F Liberati
2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), 1491-1498, 2012
IEC 61851 compliant electric vehicle charging control in smartgrids
A Di Giorgio, F Liberati, S Canale
21st Mediterranean conference on control and automation, 1329-1335, 2013
Integrated protection of industrial control systems from cyber-attacks: The ATENA approach
F Adamsky, M Aubigny, F Battisti, M Carli, F Cimorelli, T Cruz, A Di Giorgio, ...
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 21, 72-82, 2018
A case study of a commercial/residential microgrid integrating cogeneration and electrical local users
L Martirano, S Fornari, A Di Giorgio, F Liberati
2013 12th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2013
Optimal planning and routing in medium voltage powerline communications networks
S Canale, A Di Giorgio, A Lanna, A Mercurio, M Panfili, A Pietrabissa
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (2), 711-719, 2012
An approximate dynamic programming approach to resource management in multi-cloud scenarios
A Pietrabissa, FD Priscoli, A Di Giorgio, A Giuseppi, M Panfili, V Suraci
International Journal of Control 90 (3), 492-503, 2017
Joint model predictive control of electric and heating resources in a smart building
F Liberati, A Di Giorgio, A Giuseppi, A Pietrabissa, E Habib, L Martirano
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 55 (6), 7015-7027, 2019
Lyapunov-based design of a distributed wardrop load-balancing algorithm with application to software-defined networking
A Pietrabissa, LR Celsi, F Cimorelli, V Suraci, FD Priscoli, A Di Giorgio, ...
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 27 (5), 1924-1936, 2018
Interdependency modeling and analysis of critical infrastructures based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks
A Di Giorgio, F Liberati
2011 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), 791-797, 2011
On the optimization of energy storage system placement for protecting power transmission grids against dynamic load altering attacks
A Di Giorgio, A Giuseppi, F Liberali, A Ornatelli, A Rabezzano, LR Celsi
2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 986-992, 2017
Optimal fully electric vehicle load balancing with an ADMM algorithm in smartgrids
A Mercurio, A Di Giorgio, F Purificato
21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 119-124, 2013
A future internet oriented user centric extended intelligent transportation system
S Canale, A Di Giorgio, F Lisi, M Panfili, LR Celsi, V Suraci, FD Priscoli
2016 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 1133-1139, 2016
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