Sergio Bittanti
Sergio Bittanti
Politecnico di Milano - Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria
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The periodic Riccati equation
S Bittanti, P Colaneri, G De Nicolao
The Riccati Equation, 127-162, 1991
Periodic systems: filtering and control
S Bittanti, P Colaneri
Springer Science & Business Media, 2009
On the parametrization and design of an extended Kalman filter frequency tracker
S Bittanti, SM Savaresi
IEEE transactions on automatic control 45 (9), 1718-1724, 2000
Acceleration-driven-damper (ADD): an optimal control algorithm for comfort-oriented semiactive suspensions
SM Savaresi, E Silani, S Bittanti
Invariant representations of discrete-time periodic systems
S Bittanti, P Colaneri
Automatica 36 (12), 1777-1793, 2000
Periodic attitude control techniques for small satellites with magnetic actuators
M Lovera, E De Marchi, S Bittanti
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 10 (1), 90-95, 2002
Periodic control: A frequency domain approach
S Bittanti, G Fronza, G Guardabassi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 18 (1), 33-38, 1973
Identification of semi-physical and black-box non-linear models: the case of MR-dampers for vehicles control
SM Savaresi, S Bittanti, M Montiglio
Automatica 41 (1), 113-127, 2005
Deterministic and stochastic linear periodic systems
S Bittanti
Time series and linear systems, 141-182, 2006
The difference periodic ricati equation for the periodic prediction problem
S Bittanti, P Colaneri, G De Nicolao
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 33 (8), 706-712, 1988
Cluster selection in divisive clustering algorithms
SM Savaresi, DL Boley, S Bittanti, G Gazzaniga
Proceedings of the 2002 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 299-314, 2002
A flexible modelling approach for software reliability growth
S Bittanti, P Bolzern, E Pedrotti, M Pozzi, R Scattolini
Software reliability modelling and identification, 101-140, 1988
Adaptive control of linear time invariant systems: the “bet on the best” principle
S Bittanti, MC Campi
Convergence and exponential convergence of identification algorithms with directional forgetting factor
S Bittanti, P Bolzern, M Campi
Automatica 26 (5), 929-932, 1990
Analysis of discrete-time linear periodic systems
S Bittanti, P Colaneri
Control and dynamic systems 78, 313-339, 1996
Stabilizability and detectability of linear periodic systems
S Bittanti, P Bolzern
Systems & control letters 6 (2), 141-145, 1985
Periodic control of helicopter rotors for attenuation of vibrations in forward flight
P Arcara, S Bittanti, M Lovera
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 8 (6), 883-894, 2000
Nonlinear identification and control of a heat exchanger: a neural network approach
S Bittanti, L Piroddi
Journal of the Franklin Institute 334 (1), 135-153, 1997
Periodic solutions of periodic Riccati equations
S Bittanti, P Colaneri, G Guardabassi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 29 (7), 665-667, 1984
Identification, adaptation, learning: the science of learning models from data
S Bittanti, G Picci
Springer Science & Business Media, 1996
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