Exchange rate, exchange rate volatility and foreign direct investment K Kiyota, S Urata World Economy 27 (10), 1501-1536, 2004 | 407 | 2004 |
The determinants of the location of foreign direct investment by Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises S Urata, H Kawai Small Business Economics 15, 79-103, 2000 | 327 | 2000 |
Globalization and the growth in free trade agreements S Urata Asia Pacific Review 9 (1), 20-32, 2002 | 182 | 2002 |
Bilateral trade agreements in the Asia-Pacific VK Aggarwal Bilateral trade agreements in the Asia-Pacific, 3-26, 2013 | 179 | 2013 |
Emergence of an FDI-trade nexus and economic growth in East Asia S Urata Rethinking the East Asian Miracle, 409-459, 2001 | 162 | 2001 |
Competitiveness, FDI and technological activity in East Asia S Urata, S Lall E. Elgar Pub, 2003 | 158 | 2003 |
Measuring the costs of protection in Japan Y Sazanami, S Urata, H Kawai Peterson Institute, 1995 | 156 | 1995 |
The impacts of free trade agreements on trade flows: An application of the gravity model approach S Urata, M Okabe Free trade agreements in the Asia Pacific 11 (1), 195-240, 2010 | 142 | 2010 |
The impacts of an East Asia FTA on foreign trade in East Asia S Urata, K Kiyota National Bureau of Economic Research, 2003 | 130 | 2003 |
Are trade and direct investment substitutes or complements? An empirical analysis of Japanese manufacturing industries M Kawai, S Urata Economic development and cooperation in the Pacific Basin: Trade, investment …, 1998 | 121 | 1998 |
Policy recommendation for SME promotion in the Republic of Indonesia S Urata JICA, 1994 | 115 | 1994 |
Reconsidering the backward vertical linkages of foreign affiliates: Evidence from Japanese multinationals K Kiyota, T Matsuura, S Urata, Y Wei World Development 36 (8), 1398-1414, 2008 | 113 | 2008 |
The influence of increased foreign competition on industrial concentration and profitability J De Melo, S Urata International Journal of Industrial Organization 4 (3), 287-304, 1986 | 111 | 1986 |
Trade liberalization and productivity growth in Thailand S Urata, K Yokota Developing Economies 32 (4), 444-459, 1994 | 108 | 1994 |
A general equilibrium estimation of the effects of reductions in tariffs and quantitative restrictions in Turkey in 1978 W Grais, J De Melo, S Urata Development Research Department, Economics and Research Staff, World Bank, 1984 | 108 | 1984 |
On the use of FTAs by Japanese firms: Further evidence K Takahashi, S Urata Business and Politics 12 (1), 1-15, 2010 | 101 | 2010 |
The role of multinational firms in international trade: the case of Japan K Kiyota, S Urata Japan and the World Economy 20 (3), 338-352, 2008 | 99 | 2008 |
Entry of small and medium enterprises and economic dynamism in Japan H Kawai, S Urata Small Business Economics 18, 41-51, 2002 | 94 | 2002 |
The impact of AFTA on intra-AFTA trade M Okabe, S Urata Journal of Asian Economics 35, 12-31, 2014 | 92 | 2014 |
Free trade agreements and domestic politics: the case of the Trans‐Pacific Partnership agreement M Naoi, S Urata Asian Economic Policy Review 8 (2), 326-349, 2013 | 92 | 2013 |