Hubertus JM Vrijhoef
Hubertus JM Vrijhoef
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Factors influencing acceptance of technology for aging in place: a systematic review
STM Peek, EJM Wouters, J Van Hoof, KG Luijkx, HR Boeije, HJM Vrijhoef
International journal of medical informatics 83 (4), 235-248, 2014
Older adults' reasons for using technology while aging in place
STM Peek, KG Luijkx, MD Rijnaard, ME Nieboer, CS Van Der Voort, ...
Gerontology 62 (2), 226-237, 2016
Nurse-led care vs. usual care for patients with atrial fibrillation: results of a randomized trial of integrated chronic care vs. routine clinical care in ambulatory patients …
JML Hendriks, R De Wit, HJGM Crijns, HJM Vrijhoef, MH Prins, R Pisters, ...
European heart journal 33 (21), 2692-2699, 2012
Towards a taxonomy for integrated care: a mixed-methods study
PP Valentijn, IC Boesveld, DM Van der Klauw, D Ruwaard, JN Struijs, ...
International journal of integrated care 15, e003, 2015
COPD as a multicomponent disease: inventory of dyspnoea, underweight, obesity and fat free mass depletion in primary care
LMG Steuten, EC Creutzberg, HJM Vrijhoef, EF Wouters
Primary Care Respiratory Journal 15 (2), 84-91, 2006
Effectiveness of innovations in nurse led chronic disease management for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: systematic review of evidence
SJC Taylor, B Candy, RM Bryar, J Ramsay, HJM Vrijhoef, G Esmond, ...
Bmj 331 (7515), 485, 2005
Nurse practitioners substituting for general practitioners: randomized controlled trial
ATM Dierick‐van Daele, JFM Metsemakers, EWCC Derckx, ...
Journal of advanced nursing 65 (2), 391-401, 2009
A systematic review of the evidence for the effectiveness of dance therapy.
JK Strassel, DC Cherkin, L Steuten, KJ Sherman, HJM Vrijhoef
Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine 17 (3), 2011
Overcoming fragmentation in health care: chronic care in Austria, Germany and The Netherlands
E Nolte, C Knai, M Hofmarcher, A Conklin, A Erler, A Elissen, M Flamm, ...
Health Economics, Policy and Law 7 (1), 125-146, 2012
What it takes to successfully implement technology for aging in place: focus groups with stakeholders
STM Peek, EJM Wouters, KG Luijkx, HJM Vrijhoef
Journal of medical Internet research 18 (5), e5253, 2016
Is Europe putting theory into practice? A qualitative study of the level of self-management support in chronic care management approaches
A Elissen, E Nolte, C Knai, M Brunn, K Chevreul, A Conklin, ...
BMC health services research 13, 1-9, 2013
Early results from adoption of bundled payment for diabetes care in the Netherlands show improvement in care coordination
DH de Bakker, JN Struijs, CA Baan, J Raams, JE de Wildt, HJM Vrijhoef, ...
Health affairs 31 (2), 426-433, 2012
Effects of tailored telemonitoring on heart failure patients’ knowledge, self-care, self-efficacy and adherence: a randomized controlled trial
JJJ Boyne, HJM Vrijhoef, M Spreeuwenberg, G De Weerd, J Kragten, ...
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 13 (3), 243-252, 2014
Towards an international taxonomy of integrated primary care: a Delphi consensus approach
PP Valentijn, HJM Vrijhoef, D Ruwaard, I Boesveld, RY Arends, ...
BMC family practice 16, 1-15, 2015
Tailored telemonitoring in patients with heart failure: results of a multicentre randomized controlled trial
JJJ Boyne, HJM Vrijhoef, HJGM Crijns, G De Weerd, J Kragten, ...
European journal of heart failure 14 (7), 791-801, 2012
Meta‐analysis of the effectiveness of chronic care management for diabetes: investigating heterogeneity in outcomes
AMJ Elissen, LMG Steuten, LC Lemmens, HW Drewes, KMM Lemmens, ...
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (5), 753-762, 2013
Primary healthcare system and practice characteristics in Singapore
HS Khoo, YW Lim, HJM Vrijhoef
Asia Pacific family medicine 13, 1-8, 2014
Quality of integrated chronic care measured by patient survey: identification, selection and application of most appropriate instruments
HJM Vrijhoef, R Berbee, EH Wagner, LMG Steuten
Health expectations 12 (4), 417-429, 2009
The effectiveness of chronic care management for heart failure: meta‐regression analyses to explain the heterogeneity in outcomes
HW Drewes, LMG Steuten, LC Lemmens, CA Baan, HC Boshuizen, ...
Health services research 47 (5), 1926-1959, 2012
Economic impact of integrated care models for patients with chronic diseases: a systematic review
M Desmedt, S Vertriest, J Hellings, J Bergs, E Dessers, P Vankrunkelsven, ...
Value in Health 19 (6), 892-902, 2016
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