Philippe Supiot
Philippe Supiot
Professeur, Université de Lille, UMET 8207
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Kinetics of N2 (A 3Σu+) molecules and ionization mechanisms in the afterglow of a flowing N2 microwave discharge
N Sadeghi, C Foissac, P Supiot
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 34 (12), 1779, 2001
Density and temperature of N atoms in the afterglow of a microwavedischarge measured by a two-photon laser-induced fluorescence technique
S Mazouffre, C Foissac, P Supiot, P Vankan, R Engeln, DC Schram, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 10 (2), 168, 2001
Growth and modification of organosilicon films in PECVD and remote afterglow reactors
P Supiot, C Vivien, A Granier, A Bousquet, A Mackova, D Escaich, ...
Plasma processes and polymers 3 (2), 100-109, 2006
Preparation and multi‐characterization of plasma polymerized allylamine films
A Abbas, C Vivien, B Bocquet, D Guillochon, P Supiot
Plasma Processes and Polymers 6 (9), 593-604, 2009
Spectroscopic analysis of the nitrogen short-lived afterglow induced at 433 MHz
P Supiot, O Dessaux, P Goudmand
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 28 (9), 1826, 1995
Intracavity laser absorption spectroscopy applied to measure theabsolute density and temperature of N2 (A3Σ+ u) metastablemolecules in a flowing N2 microwave discharge
C Foissac, A Campargue, A Kachanov, P Supiot, G Weirauch, N Sadeghi
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 33 (19), 2434, 2000
Characterization of organosilicon films synthesized by N2-PACVD. Application to fire retardant properties of coated polymers
A Quede, B Mutel, P Supiot, C Jama, O Dessaux, R Delobel
Surface and Coatings Technology 180, 265-270, 2004
Time-dependence of the electron energy distribution function in the nitrogen afterglow
V Guerra, FM Dias, J Loureiro, PA Sá, P Supiot, C Dupret, T Popov
IEEE transactions on plasma science 31 (4), 542-551, 2003
Excitation of N2 (B 3g) in the nitrogen short-lived afterglow
P Supiot, D Blois, S De Benedictis, G Dilecce, M Barj, A Chapput, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 32 (15), 1887, 1999
The microwave source's influence on the vibrational energy carried by in a nitrogen afterglow
D Blois, P Supiot, M Barj, A Chapput, C Foissac, O Dessaux, P Goudmand
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 31 (19), 2521, 1998
Covalent attachment of trypsin on plasma polymerized allylamine
A Abbas, D Vercaigne-Marko, P Supiot, B Bocquet, C Vivien, ...
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 73 (2), 315-324, 2009
Cold plasma functionalized TeraHertz BioMEMS for enzyme reaction analysis
A Abbas, A Treizebre, P Supiot, NE Bourzgui, D Guillochon, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 25 (1), 154-160, 2009
Cold remote nitrogen plasma polymerization from 1.1. 3.3‐tetramethyldisiloxane–oxygen mixture
F Callebert, P Supiot, K Asfardjani, O Dessaux, P Goudmand, ...
Journal of applied polymer science 52 (11), 1595-1606, 1994
Preparation of a multilayered composite catalyst for Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis in a micro-chamber reactor
L Guillou, D Balloy, P Supiot, V Le Courtois
Applied Catalysis A: General 324, 42-51, 2007
Use of catalytic oxidation and dehydrogenation of hydrocarbons reactions to highlight improvement of heat transfer in catalytic metallic foams
A Löfberg, A Essakhi, S Paul, Y Swesi, ML Zanota, V Meille, I Pitault, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 176, 49-56, 2011
Nature of the “extreme conditions” in single sonoluminescing bubbles
F Lepoint-Mullie, D De Pauw, T Lepoint, P Supiot, R Avni
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100 (30), 12138-12141, 1996
Elaboration of fire retardant coatings on polyamide-6 using a cold plasma polymerization process
A Quede, C Jama, P Supiot, M Le Bras, R Delobel, O Dessaux, ...
Surface and Coatings technology 151, 424-428, 2002
Facile immobilization of enzyme by entrapment using a plasma-deposited organosilicon thin film
A Elagli, K Belhacene, C Vivien, P Dhulster, R Froidevaux, P Supiot
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 110, 77-86, 2014
Dielectric spectroscopy analysis of liquid crystals recovered from end-of-life liquid crystal displays
A Barrera, C Binet, F Dubois, PA Hébert, P Supiot, C Foissac, U Maschke
Molecules 26 (10), 2873, 2021
Spectroscopic diagnostics and modelling of a N2–Ar mixture discharge created by an RF helical coupling device: I. Kinetics of N2 (B 3Πg) and N2 (C 3Πu) states
C Foissac, J Krištof, A Annušová, P Veis, P Supiot
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 21 (5), 055021, 2012
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