Joakim Wernberg
Joakim Wernberg
PhD, Research Director of Digitalisation & Tech Policy at the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum
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The economic microgeography of diversity and specialization externalities–firm-level evidence from Swedish cities
M Andersson, JP Larsson, J Wernberg
Research Policy 48 (6), 1385-1398, 2019
Software development and innovation: Exploring the software shift in innovation in Swedish firms
M Andersson, A Kusetogullari, J Wernberg
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 167, 120695, 2021
Timbro sharing economy index
A Bergh, A Funcke, J Wernberg
Timbro, 2018
Two sides to the evasion: The Pirate Bay and the interdependencies of evasive entrepreneurship
N Elert, M Henrekson, J Wernberg
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy 5 (2), 176-200, 2016
Exploring heterogeneous Digital Innovation Hubs in their context
J Miörner, A Kalpaka, J Sörvik, J Wernberg, G Rissola
A comparative case study of six (6) DIHs with links to S 3, 2019
A survey of cyber security in the Swedish manufacturing industry
U Franke, J Wernberg
2020 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics …, 2020
Illuminating a Blind Spot in Digitalization-Software Development in Sweden's Private and Public Sector
M Borg, J Wernberg, T Olsson, U Franke, M Andersson
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software …, 2020
Putting digital innovation hubs into regional context
J Miörner, G Rissola, J Sörvik, J Wernberg
A European survey.[on-line]. Dostupné na: https://op. europa. eu/en …, 2019
Urban preferences, amenities and age: Exploring the spatial distribution of age in Stockholm from 1991 to 2011
M Andersson, JP Larsson, J Wernberg
Regional Science Policy & Practice 10 (4), 367-382, 2018
Coding for intangible competitive advantage-mapping the distribution and characteristics of software-developing firms in the Swedish economy
M Andersson, A Kusetogullari, J Wernberg
Industry and Innovation 30 (1), 17-41, 2023
Social capital and the economics of cities
M Andersson, JP Larsson, J Wernberg
Handbook of social capital and regional development, 166-192, 2016
The sharing economy: definition, measurement and its relationship to capitalism
A Bergh, A Funcke, J Wernberg
IFN Working Paper, 2021
Offentlighet i det digitala samhället: Vidareutnyttjande, sekretess och dataskydd
J Ledendal, S Larsson, J Wernberg
Norstedts Juridik AB, 2018
I den svarta lådan: Plattformsekonomier och digitalisering
J Wernberg
Fores, 2019
Integrating CDIO experiences into a new program environment
J Lundblad, L Kari, S Östlund
3rd International CDIO Conference, June 11-15, 2007, MIT, USA, 2007
Innovation, Competition and Digital Platform Paradoxes
J Wernberg
Policy Papers on Technology, Economics and Structural Change 2021.1, 2021
Heterogeneous hybrid entrepreneurs-Framing the variation in entrepreneurial effort and motives for hybrid entrepreneurship
P Rouchy, S Tavassoli, J Wernberg
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 42 (1-2), 115-129, 2021
Små och medelstora företags digitala omställning efter pandemin
J Wernberg
Entreprenörskapsforum, 2020
Människor, maskiner och framtidens arbete
J Wernberg
Entreprenörskapsforum. Stockholm, 2019
Den programmeringsbara ekonomin: Mjukvara och mjukvaruutveckling i det svenska näringslivet
M Andersson, J Wernberg
Swedsoft, 2020
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