Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux
Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux
Fundamental & Applied Research for Animals & Health, University of Liege
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A systematic scoping study of the socio‐economic impact of Rift Valley fever: research gaps and needs
M Peyre, V Chevalier, S Abdo‐Salem, A Velthuis, N Antoine‐Moussiaux, ...
Zoonoses and public health 62 (5), 309-325, 2015
Antimicrobial use, residues, resistance and governance in the food and agriculture sectors, Tanzania
RH Mdegela, ER Mwakapeje, B Rubegwa, DT Gebeyehu, S Niyigena, ...
Antibiotics 10 (4), 454, 2021
Applying participatory approaches in the evaluation of surveillance systems: a pilot study on African swine fever surveillance in Corsica
C Calba, N Antoine-Moussiaux, F Charrier, P Hendrikx, C Saegerman, ...
Preventive veterinary medicine 122 (4), 389-398, 2015
Contributions of experimental mouse models to the understanding of African trypanosomiasis
N Antoine-Moussiaux, S Magez, D Desmecht
Trends in Parasitology 24 (9), 411-418, 2008
Host-parasite interactions in trypanosomiasis: on the way to an antidisease strategy
N Antoine-Moussiaux, P Büscher, D Desmecht
Infection and immunity 77 (4), 1276-1284, 2009
The Ri chicken breed and livelihoods in North Vietnam: characterization and prospects
N Moula, PK Dang, F Farnir, VD Ton, DV Binh, P Leroy, ...
Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics …, 2011
A basic characterization of small-holders’ goat production systems in Laghouat area, Algeria
M Laouadi, S Tennah, N Kafidi, N Antoine-Moussiaux, N Moula
Pastoralism 8, 1-8, 2018
The Perceived Value of Passive Animal Health Surveillance: The Case of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in V ietnam
A Delabouglise, N Antoine‐Moussiaux, TD Phan, DC Dao, TT Nguyen, ...
Zoonoses and Public Health 63 (2), 112-128, 2016
Comparative study of egg quality traits in two Belgian local breeds and two commercial lines of chickens
N Moula, N Antoine-Moussiaux, E Decuypere, F Farnir, K Mertens, ...
Arch. Geflügelkunde 74, 164-171, 2010
Aviculture familiale au Bas-Congo, République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)
N Moula, N Detiffe, F Farnir, N Antoine-Moussiaux, P Leroy
Livestock Research for Rural Development 24 (5), 2012
Réhabilitation socio-économique d’une poule locale en voie d’extinction: la poule Kabyle (Thayazit lekvayel).
N Moula, N Antoine-Moussiaux, F Farnir, J Detilleux, P Leroy
Annales de Médecine vétérinaire 153, 2009
When private actors matter: Information-sharing network and surveillance of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Vietnam
A Delabouglise, TH Dao, DB Truong, TT Nguyen, NTX Nguyen, R Duboz, ...
Acta tropica 147, 38-44, 2015
Advancing one health: updated core competencies
G Laing, E Duffy, N Anderson, N Antoine-Moussiaux, M Aragrande, ...
CABI One Health, ohcs20230002, 2023
The added-value of using participatory approaches to assess the acceptability of surveillance systems: the case of bovine tuberculosis in Belgium
C Calba, FL Goutard, L Vanholme, N Antoine-Moussiaux, P Hendrikx, ...
PLoS One 11 (7), e0159041, 2016
Tuareg ethnoveterinary treatments of camel diseases in Agadez area (Niger)
N Antoine-Moussiaux, B Faye, GF Vias
Tropical Animal Health and Production 39, 83-89, 2007
The good, the bad and the ugly: framing debates on nature in a One Health community
N Antoine-Moussiaux, L Janssens de Bisthoven, S Leyens, T Assmuth, ...
Sustainability science 14, 1729-1738, 2019
Economic factors influencing zoonotic disease dynamics: demand for poultry meat and seasonal transmission of avian influenza in Vietnam
A Delabouglise, M Choisy, TD Phan, N Antoine-Moussiaux, M Peyre, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 5905, 2017
Application of discrete choice experiment to assess farmers’ willingness to report swine diseases in the Red River Delta region, Vietnam
HTT Pham, M Peyre, TQ Trinh, OC Nguyen, TD Vu, T Rukkwamsuk, ...
Preventive veterinary medicine 138, 28-36, 2017
Comparison of egg composition and conservation ability in two Belgian local breeds and one commercial strain
N Moula, N Antoine-Moussiaux, F Farnir, P Leroy
International Journal of poultry science 8 (8), 768-774, 2009
Quality assessment of marketed eggs in Bassekabylie (Algeria)
N Moula, A Ait-Kaki, P Leroy, N Antoine-Moussiaux
Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 15, 395-399, 2013
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