Nikita Ryskin
Nikita Ryskin
Professor, Head of Lab, Saratov Branch, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS
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Nonlinear oscillations
AP Kuznetsov, SP Kuznetsov, NM Ryskin
Fizmatlit, Moscow, 2002
Nonlinear waves
NM Ryskin, DI Trubetskov
Fizmatlit, Moscow, 2000
Low-voltage operation of Ka-band folded waveguide traveling-wave tube
ST Han, KH Jang, JK So, JI Kim, YM Shin, NM Ryskin, SS Chang, ...
IEEE transactions on plasma science 32 (1), 60-66, 2004
Planar microstrip slow-wave structure for low-voltage V-band traveling-wave tube with a sheet electron beam
NM Ryskin, AG Rozhnev, AV Starodubov, AA Serdobintsev, AM Pavlov, ...
IEEE Electron Device Letters 39 (5), 757-760, 2018
Gain analysis of a 0.2-THz traveling-wave tube with sheet electron beam and staggered grating slow wave structure
TA Karetnikova, AG Rozhnev, NM Ryskin, AE Fedotov, SV Mishakin, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 65 (6), 2129-2134, 2018
Studying characteristics of the slow-wave system of the traveling-wave tube with a sheet electron beam
AG Rozhnev, NM Ryskin, TA Karetnikova, GV Torgashev, NI Sinitsyn, ...
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 56 (8), 542-553, 2014
Chaotic operation of a delayed-feedback klystron oscillator: Theory and experiment
BS Dmitriev, YD Zharkov, NM Ryskin, AM Shigaev
Journal of communications technology & electronics 46 (5), 561-566, 2001
Investigations on a microfabricated FWTWT oscillator
ST Han, JK So, KH Jang, YM Shin, JH Kim, SS Chang, NM Ryskin, ...
IEEE transactions on electron devices 52 (5), 702-708, 2005
Chaotic dynamics of delayed feedback klystron oscillator and its control by external signal
AM Shigaev, BS Dmitriev, YD Zharkov, NM Ryskin
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 52 (5), 790-797, 2005
Modeling a subterahertz traveling-wave tube with a slow-wave structure of the double grating type and a sheet electron beam
TA Karetnikova, AG Rozhnev, NM Ryskin, GV Torgashov, NI Sinitsyn, ...
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics 61, 50-55, 2016
Experimental study of complex dynamics in a delayed-feedback multiple-cavity klystron self-oscillator
BS Dmitriev, YD Zharkov, DV Klokotov, NM Ryskin
Technical Physics 48 (7), 901-905, 2003
Self-modulation and chaotic regimes of generation in a relativistic backward-wave oscillator with end reflections
NM Ryskin, VN Titov
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 44 (10), 793-806, 2001
Meander-Line Slow-Wave Structure for High-Power Millimeter-Band Traveling-Wave Tubes with Multiple Sheet Electron Beam
GV Torgashov, RA Torgashov, VN Titov, AG Rozhnev, NM Ryskin
IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2019
Study of the nonlinear dynamics of a traveling-wave-tube oscillator with delayed feedback
NM Ryskin
Radiophysics and quantum electronics 47 (2), 116-128, 2004
Generation of chaotic radiation in a driven traveling wave tube amplifier with time-delayed feedback
C Marchewka, P Larsen, S Bhattacharjee, J Booske, S Sengele, N Ryskin, ...
Physics of plasmas 13 (1), 2006
О сценарии перехода к хаосу в однопараметрической модели лампы обратной волны
НМ Рыскин, ВН Титов
Изв. вузов. Прикладная нелинейная динамика 6 (1), 75-92, 1998
Injection locking of an electronic maser in the hard excitation mode
KA Yakunina, AP Kuznetsov, NM Ryskin
Physics of Plasmas 22 (11), 2015
Complex dynamics of a simple distributed self-oscillatory model system with delay
NM Ryskin, AM Shigaev
Technical Physics 47 (7), 795-802, 2002
Nonstationary nonlinear discrete model of a coupled-cavity traveling-wave-tube amplifier
NM Ryskin, VN Titov, AV Yakovlev
IEEE transactions on electron devices 56 (5), 928-934, 2009
Детали перехода к хаосу в системе электронный пучок-обратная электромагнитная волна
НМ Рыскин, ВН Титов, ДИ Трубецков
Доклады Академии Наук 358 (5), 620-623, 1998
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