Andreas Kunzmann
Andreas Kunzmann
Leibniz Centre of Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) WG Ecophysiology
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Urban coral reefs: Degradation and resilience of hard coral assemblages in coastal cities of East and Southeast Asia
EC Heery, BW Hoeksema, NK Browne, JD Reimer, PO Ang, D Huang, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 135, 654-681, 2018
Four New Bioactive Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers of the Sponge Dysidea herbacea from West Sumatra, Indonesia
D Handayani, RA Edrada, P Proksch, V Wray, L Witte, RWM Van Soest, ...
Journal of Natural Products 60 (12), 1313-1316, 1997
Responses of aquaculture fish to climate change‐induced extreme temperatures: A review
MJ Islam, A Kunzmann, MJ Slater
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 53 (2), 314-366, 2022
Bacterial abundance and community composition in pond water from shrimp aquaculture systems with different stocking densities
YR Alfiansah, C Hassenrück, A Kunzmann, A Taslihan, J Harder, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 2457, 2018
Local and regional impacts of pollution on coral reefs along the Thousand Islands north of the megacity Jakarta, Indonesia
G Baum, HI Januar, SCA Ferse, A Kunzmann
PloS one 10 (9), e0138271, 2015
New Oxygenated Sesquiterpenes from the Indonesian Soft Coral Nephthea chabrolii
D Handayani, RA Edrada, P Proksch, V Wray, L Witte, L van Ofwegen, ...
Journal of Natural Products 60 (7), 716-718, 1997
Thermal stress effects on energy resource allocation and oxygen consumption rate in the juvenile sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra (Jaeger, 1833)
H Kühnhold, E Kamyab, S Novais, L Indriana, A Kunzmann, M Slater, ...
Aquaculture 467, 109-117, 2017
Transparent zeolite–polymer hybrid materials with adaptable properties
S Suárez, A Devaux, J Bañuelos, O Bossart, A Kunzmann, G Calzaferri
Advanced Functional Materials 17 (14), 2298-2306, 2007
Metabolic and molecular stress responses of European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax at low and high temperature extremes
MJ Islam, A Kunzmann, M Bögner, A Meyer, R Thiele, MJ Slater
Ecological Indicators 112, 106118, 2020
Extreme ambient temperature effects in European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax: Growth performance and hemato-biochemical parameters
MJ Islam, MJ Slater, M Bögner, S Zeytin, A Kunzmann
Aquaculture 522, 735093, 2020
Growth performance of the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra and the seaweed Eucheuma denticulatum: integrated mariculture and effects on sediment organic characteristics
M Namukose, FE Msuya, SCA Ferse, MJ Slater, A Kunzmann
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 8, 179-189, 2016
Adaptations of the Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarcticum (Pisces: Nototheniidae) to pelagic life in high-Antarctic waters
APA Wöhrmann, W Hagen, A Kunzmann
Marine Ecology Progress Series 151, 205-218, 1997
The unique hemoglobin system of Pleuragramma antarcticum, an Antarctic migratory teleost: structure and function of the three components
M Tamburrini, R D'Avino, A Fago, V Carratore, A Kunzmann, G di Prisco
Journal of Biological Chemistry 271 (39), 23780-23785, 1996
Thermal stress response of juvenile milkfish (Chanos chanos) quantified by ontogenetic and regenerated scale cortisol
I Hanke, B Ampe, A Kunzmann, A Gärdes, J Aerts
Aquaculture 500, 24-30, 2019
Cellular respiration, oxygen consumption, and trade-offs of the jellyfish Cassiopea sp. in response to temperature change
SM Aljbour, M Zimmer, A Kunzmann
Journal of Sea Research 128, 92-97, 2017
Abundance and physiology of dominant soft corals linked to water quality in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia
G Baum, I Januar, SCA Ferse, C Wild, A Kunzmann
PeerJ 4, e2625, 2016
Blood physiology and ecological consequences in Weddell Sea fishes (Antarctica)= Blutphysiologie und ökologische Konsequenzen von Fischen des Weddellmeeres (Antarktis)
A Kunzmann
Berichte zur Polarforschung (Reports on Polar Research) 91, 1991
Extreme winter cold-induced osmoregulatory, metabolic, and physiological responses in European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) acclimatized at different salinities
MJ Islam, A Kunzmann, MJ Slater
Science of the Total Environment 771, 145202, 2021
What metabolic, osmotic and molecular stress responses tell us about extreme ambient heatwave impacts in fish at low salinities: The case of European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax
MJ Islam, MJ Slater, A Kunzmann
Science of the Total Environment 749, 141458, 2020
Effects of extreme ambient temperature in European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax acclimated at different salinities: Growth performance, metabolic and molecular stress responses
MJ Islam, A Kunzmann, R Thiele, MJ Slater
Science of The Total Environment 735, 139371, 2020
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