Peter Sunde
Peter Sunde
seniorforsker, Institut for Bioscience, Aarhus Universitet
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Predators control post‐fledging mortality in tawny owls, Strix aluco
P Sunde
Oikos 110 (3), 461-472, 2005
Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research
MPG Hofman, MW Hayward, M Heim, P Marchand, CM Rolandsen, ...
PloS one 14 (5), e0216223, 2019
Tolerance to humans of resting lynxes Lynx lynx in a hunted population
P Sunde, SØ Stener, T Kvam
Wildlife biology 4 (3), 177-183, 1998
A telemetry study of the social organization of a tawny owl (Strix aluco) population
P Sunde, MS Bølstad
Journal of Zoology 263 (1), 65-76, 2004
Foraging of lynxes in a managed boreal‐alpine environment
P Sunde, T Kvam, JP Bolstad, M Bronndal
Ecography 23 (3), 291-298, 2000
Continuous population declines for specialist farmland birds 1987-2014 in Denmark indicates no halt in biodiversity loss in agricultural habitats
H Heldbjerg, P Sunde, AD Fox
Bird Conservation International 28 (2), 278-292, 2018
Nest box design for the study of diurnal raptors and owls is still an overlooked point in ecological, evolutionary and conservation studies: a review
MM Lambrechts, KL Wiebe, P Sunde, T Solonen, F Sergio, A Roulin, ...
Journal of Ornithology 153, 23-34, 2012
Reversed sexual dimorphism in tawny owls, Strix aluco, correlates with duty division in breeding effort
P Sunde, MS Bølstad, JD Møller
Oikos 101 (2), 265-278, 2003
Behavioural Responses of GPS‐Collared Female Red Deer Cervus elaphus to Driven Hunts
P Sunde, CR Olesen, TL Madsen, L Haugaard
Wildlife Biology 15 (4), 454-460, 2009
Diurnal exposure as a risk sensitive behaviour in tawny owls Strix aluco?
P Sunde, MS Bølstad, KB Desfor
Journal of Avian Biology 34 (4), 409-418, 2003
Intraguild predation of lynxes on foxes: evidence of interference competition?
P Sunde, K Overskaug, T Kvam
Ecography 22 (5), 521-523, 1999
Large herbivore migration plasticity along environmental gradients in Europe: life‐history traits modulate forage effects
W Peters, M Hebblewhite, A Mysterud, D Eacker, AJM Hewison, ...
Oikos 128 (3), 416-429, 2019
Fledgling behavior and survival in northern tawny owls
K Overskaug, JP Bolstad, P Sunde, IJ ⵁien
The Condor 101 (1), 169-174, 1999
Breeding season food limitation drives population decline of the Little Owl Athene noctua in Denmark
K Thorup, P Sunde, LB Jacobsen, C Rahbek
Ibis 152 (4), 803-814, 2010
Space use by Eurasian lynxes Lynx lynx in central Norway
P Sunde, T Kvam, P Moa, A Negard, K Overskaug
Acta theriologica 45 (4), 507-524, 2000
Living at the limit: ecology and behaviour of Tawny Owls Strix aluco in a northern edge population in central Norway
P Sunde, K Overskaug, JP Bolstad, IJ Øien
Ardea 89 (3), 495-508, 2001
Mortality of semi‐domestic reindeer Rangifer tarandus in central Norway
K Nybakk, O Kjelvik, T Kvam, K Overskaug, P Sunde
Wildlife Biology 8 (1), 63-68, 2002
Ungulate management in European national parks: Why a more integrated European policy is needed
STS van Beeck Calkoen, L Mühlbauer, H Andrén, M Apollonio, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 260, 110068, 2020
Behavioral responses of terrestrial mammals to COVID-19 lockdowns
MA Tucker, AM Schipper, TSF Adams, N Attias, T Avgar, NL Babic, ...
Science 380 (6649), 1059-1064, 2023
Diet patterns of Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx: what causes sexually determined prey size segregation?
P Sunde, T Kvam
Acta Theriologica 42 (2), 189-201, 1997
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