Nicolas Stein
Nicolas Stein
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, MND
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A model for brittle failure in adhesive lap joints of arbitrary joint configuration
N Stein, P Weißgraeber, W Becker
Composite Structures 133, 707-718, 2015
An efficient analysis model for functionally graded adhesive single lap joints
N Stein, H Mardani, W Becker
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 70, 117-125, 2016
Mixed-mode fracture in open-hole composite plates of finite-width: an asymptotic coupled stress and energy approach
J Felger, N Stein, W Becker
International Journal of Solids and Structures 122, 14-24, 2017
Stress solution for functionally graded adhesive joints
N Stein, P Weißgraeber, W Becker
International Journal of Solids and Structures 97, 300-311, 2016
Asymmetric crack onset at open-holes under tensile and in-plane bending loading
PL Rosendahl, P Weißgraeber, N Stein, W Becker
International Journal of Solids and Structures 113, 10-23, 2016
A general sandwich-type model for adhesive joints with composite adherends
P Weißgraeber, N Stein, W Becker
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 55, 56-63, 2014
Analytical models for functionally graded adhesive single lap joints: A comparative study
N Stein, J Felger, W Becker
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 76, 70-82, 2017
Homogenization of mechanical and thermal stresses in functionally graded adhesive joints
N Stein, PL Rosendahl, W Becker
Composites Part B: Engineering 111, 279-293, 2016
Enhanced XFEM for crack deflection in multi-material joints
N Stein, S Dölling, K Chalkiadaki, W Becker, P Weißgraeber
International Journal of Fracture 207 (2), 193-210, 2017
Asymptotic finite fracture mechanics solution for crack onset at elliptical holes in composite plates of finite-width
J Felger, N Stein, W Becker
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182, 621-634, 2017
Bending moment calculation for single lap joints with composite laminate adherends including bending-extensional coupling
A Talmon l'Armée, N Stein, W Becker
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 66, 41-52, 2016
Modelling load transfer and mixed-mode fracture of ductile adhesive composite joints
N Stein, PL Rosendahl, W Becker
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 82, 299-310, 2018
Scaling laws for the adhesive composite butt joint strength derived by finite fracture mechanics
J Felger, N Stein, C Frey, W Becker
Composite Structures 208, 546-556, 2019
Brittle failure in adhesive lap joints - a general Finite Fracture Mechanics approach
N Stein, P Weißgraeber, W Becker
Procedia Structural Integrity 2, 1967–1974, 2016
Analytische und semi-analytische Berechnungsmodelle zur Auslegung von Strukturklebverbindungen
N Stein
Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2018
An efficient stress and deformation model for arbitrary elastic-perfectly plastic adhesive lap joints
H Mardani, N Stein, PL Rosendahl, W Becker
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 103, 102679, 2020
A numerical finite fracture mechanics approach on asymmetric cracks in open-hole plates
PL Rosendahl, P Weißgraeber, N Stein, W Becker
Procedia Structural Integrity 2, 1991–1998, 2016
Stress solutions for joints with nonlinear adhesives
PL Rosendahl, N Stein, W Becker
PAMM 17 (1), 341-342, 2017
A coupled stress and energy failure model for crack initiation in arbitrarily shaped adhesive lap joints
N Stein, P Weißgraeber, W Becker
PAMM 16 (1), 175-176, 2016
Assessment of asymmetric crack initiation in open‐hole plates using a coupled stress and energy criterion
PL Rosendahl, P Weißgraeber, N Stein, W Becker
PAMM 16 (1), 165-166, 2016
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