Joao Lourenco
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The NOVAthesis LaTeX Template User's Manual
JM Lourenço
https://github.com/joaomlourenco/novathesis/raw/master/template.pdf, 2021
A survey of challenges for runtime verification from advanced application domains (beyond software)
C Sánchez, G Schneider, W Ahrendt, E Bartocci, D Bianculli, C Colombo, ...
Formal Methods in System Design 54, 279-335, 2019
A graphical development and debugging environment for parallel programs
P Kacsuk, JC Cunha, G Dózsa, J Lourenço, T Fadgyas, T Antao
Parallel Computing 22 (13), 1747-1770, 1997
An integrated testing and debugging environment for parallel and distributed programs
J Lourenço, JC Cunha, H Krawczyk, P Kuzora, M Neyman, B Wiszniewski
EUROMICRO 97. Proceedings of the 23rd EUROMICRO Conference: New Frontiers of …, 1997
A debugging engine for a parallel and distributed environment
JC Cunha, T Antão
Proceedings of the 1st Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Distributed and …, 1996
Parallel Program development for cluster computing: methodology, tools and integrated environments
JC Cunha, P Kacsuk, S Winter
Nova Publishers, 2001
An experiment in tool integration: the DDBG parallel and distributed debugger
JC Cunha, J Lourenço, TR Antao
Journal of systems architecture 45 (11), 897-907, 1999
A framework to support parallel and distributed debugging
JC Cunha, J Lourenço, J Vieira, B Moscão, D Pereira
High-Performance Computing and Networking: International Conference and …, 1998
Precise detection of atomicity violations
RJ Dias, V Pessanha, JM Lourenço
Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing: 8th International Haifa …, 2013
Efficient and correct transactional memory programs combining snapshot isolation and static analysis
RJ Dias, JM Lourenço, NM Preguiça
An integrated course on parallel and distributed processing
JC Cunha, J Lourenço
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 30 (1), 217-221, 1998
Understanding the behavior of transactional memory applications
J Lourenço, R Dias, J Luís, M Rebelo, V Pessanha
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing …, 2009
Verifying concurrent programs using contracts
RJ Dias, C Ferreira, J Fiedor, JM Lourenço, A Smrcka, DG Sousa, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and …, 2017
Testing patterns for software transactional memory engines
J Lourenço, G Cunha
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM workshop on Parallel and distributed systems …, 2007
Byzantium: Byzantine-Fault-Tolerant Database Replication Providing Snapshot Isolation.
NM Preguiça, R Rodrigues, C Honorato, J Lourenço
HotDep, 2008
Group-to-group bidirectional wi-fi direct communication with two relay nodes
A Teófilo, D Remédios, H Paulino, J Lourenço
proceedings of the 12th EAI International Conference on Mobile and …, 2015
Time-aware reactive storage in wireless edge environments
JA Silva, H Paulino, JM Lourenço, J Leitão, N Preguiça
Proceedings of the 16th EAI International Conference on Mobile and …, 2019
Towards a persistent publish/subscribe system for networks of mobile devices
F Cerqueira, JA Silva, JM Lourenço, H Paulino
Proceedings of the 2Nd Workshop on Middleware for Edge Clouds & Cloudlets, 1-6, 2017
Towards the opportunistic combination of mobile ad-hoc networks with infrastructure access
JA Silva, J Leitao, N Preguiça, JM Lourenço, H Paulino
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Middleware for Edge Clouds & Cloudlets, 1-6, 2016
Ephemeral data storage for networks of hand-held devices
JA Silva, R Monteiro, H Paulino, JM Lourenço
2016 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA, 1106-1113, 2016
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