Georgios Boulougouris
Georgios Boulougouris
DEMOCRITUS UNIVERSITY OF THRACE, Molecular Biology and Genetics Alexandroupoli Greece
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Engineering a molecular model for water phase equilibrium over a wide temperature range
GC Boulougouris, IG Economou, DN Theodorou
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102 (6), 1029-1035, 1998
Evaluation of Cubic, SAFT, and PC-SAFT Equations of State for the Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium Modeling of CO2 Mixtures with Other Gases
NI Diamantonis, GC Boulougouris, E Mansoor, DM Tsangaris, ...
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (10), 3933-3942, 2013
Water/hydrocarbon phase equilibria using the thermodynamic perturbation theory
EC Voutsas, GC Boulougouris, IG Economou, DP Tassios
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 39 (3), 797-804, 2000
Molecular simulation of phase equilibria for water− methane and water− ethane mixtures
JR Errington, GC Boulougouris, IG Economou, AZ Panagiotopoulos, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102 (44), 8865-8873, 1998
On the calculation of the chemical potential using the particle deletion scheme
GC Boulougouris, IG Economou, DN Theodorou
Molecular physics 96 (6), 905-913, 1999
An integrated, multi-scale modelling approach for the simulation of multiphase dispersion from accidental CO2 pipeline releases in realistic terrain
RM Woolley, M Fairweather, CJ Wareing, C Proust, J Hebrard, D Jamois, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 27, 221-238, 2014
Prediction of Sorption of CO2 in Glassy Atactic Polystyrene at Elevated Pressures Through a New Computational Scheme
T Spyriouni, GC Boulougouris, DN Theodorou
Macromolecules 42 (5), 1759-1769, 2009
Thermodynamic and transport property models for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) processes with emphasis on CO2 transport
NI Diamantonis, GC Boulougouris, DM Tsangaris, MJ El Kadi, H Saadawi, ...
Chemical engineering research and design 91 (10), 1793-1806, 2013
Dynamical integration of a Markovian web: a first passage time approach
GC Boulougouris, DN Theodorou
The Journal of chemical physics 127 (8), 2007
Calculation of the chemical potential of chain molecules using the staged particle deletion scheme
GC Boulougouris, IG Economou, DN Theodorou
The Journal of Chemical Physics 115 (17), 8231-8237, 2001
Molecular Simulation of Phase Equilibria for Water−n-Butane and Water−n-Hexane Mixtures
GC Boulougouris, JR Errington, IG Economou, AZ Panagiotopoulos, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 104 (20), 4958-4963, 2000
CO2PipeHaz: quantitative hazard assessment for next generation CO2 pipelines
RM Woolley, M Fairweather, CJ Wareing, SAEG Falle, H Mahgerefteh, ...
Energy Procedia 63, 2510-2529, 2014
Monte Carlo simulation of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and methane adsorption on activated carbon
GP Lithoxoos, LD Peristeras, GC Boulougouris, IG Economou
Molecular Physics 110 (11-12), 1153-1160, 2012
Henry's constant analysis for water and nonpolar solvents from experimental data, macroscopic models, and molecular simulation
GC Boulougouris, EC Voutsas, IG Economou, DN Theodorou, DP Tassios
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105 (32), 7792-7798, 2001
Techno-economic assessment of CO2 quality effect on its storage and transport: CO2QUEST: An overview of aims, objectives and main findings
RTJ Porter, H Mahgerefteh, S Brown, S Martynov, A Collard, RM Woolley, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 54, 662-681, 2016
Monte Carlo sampling of a Markov web
GC Boulougouris, D Frenkel
Journal of chemical theory and computation 1 (3), 389-393, 2005
CO2QUEST: Techno-economic assessment of CO2 quality effect on its storage and transport
S Brown, S Martynov, H Mahgerefteh, M Fairweather, RM Woolley, ...
Energy Procedia 63, 2622-2629, 2014
Tracking a glassy polymer on its energy landscape in the course of elastic deformation
N Lempesis, GG Vogiatzis, GC Boulougouris, LCA van Breemen, M Hütter, ...
Molecular Physics 111 (22-23), 3430-3441, 2013
On the role of inherent structures in glass-forming materials: I. The vitrification process
DG Tsalikis, N Lempesis, GC Boulougouris, DN Theodorou
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (34), 10619-10627, 2008
Probing subglass relaxation in polymers via a geometric representation of probabilities, observables, and relaxation modes for discrete stochastic systems
GC Boulougouris, DN Theodorou
The Journal of chemical physics 130 (4), 2009
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