Doug McClure
Doug McClure
Research Staff Member, IBM TJ Watson Research Center
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Demonstration of quantum volume 64 on a superconducting quantum computing system
P Jurcevic, A Javadi-Abhari, LS Bishop, I Lauer, DF Bogorin, M Brink, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 6 (2), 025020, 2021
Challenges and opportunities of near-term quantum computing systems
AD Córcoles, A Kandala, A Javadi-Abhari, DT McClure, AW Cross, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 108 (8), 1338-1352, 2019
Distinct signatures for Coulomb blockade and Aharonov-Bohm interference in electronic Fabry-Perot interferometers
Y Zhang, DT McClure, EM Levenson-Falk, CM Marcus, LN Pfeiffer, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (24), 241304, 2009
Shot noise in graphene
L DiCarlo, JR Williams, Y Zhang, DT McClure, CM Marcus
Physical Review Letters 100 (15), 156801, 2008
Experimental demonstration of a resonator-induced phase gate in a multiqubit circuit-qed system
H Paik, A Mezzacapo, M Sandberg, DT McClure, B Abdo, AD Córcoles, ...
Physical review letters 117 (25), 250502, 2016
Verifying multipartite entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states via multiple quantum coherences
KX Wei, I Lauer, S Srinivasan, N Sundaresan, DT McClure, D Toyli, ...
Physical Review A 101 (3), 032343, 2020
Edge-state velocity and coherence in a quantum Hall Fabry-Pérot interferometer
DT McClure, Y Zhang, B Rosenow, EM Levenson-Falk, CM Marcus, ...
Physical review letters 103 (20), 206806, 2009
Shot-noise signatures of 0.7 structure and spin in a quantum point contact
L DiCarlo, Y Zhang, DT McClure, DJ Reilly, CM Marcus, LN Pfeiffer, ...
Physical review letters 97 (3), 036810, 2006
Tunable noise cross correlations in a double quantum dot
DT McClure, L DiCarlo, Y Zhang, HA Engel, CM Marcus, MP Hanson, ...
Physical review letters 98 (5), 056801, 2007
Investigating surface loss effects in superconducting transmon qubits
JM Gambetta, CE Murray, YKK Fung, DT McClure, O Dial, W Shanks, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 27 (1), 1-5, 2016
Rapid driven reset of a qubit readout resonator
DT McClure, H Paik, LS Bishop, M Steffen, JM Chow, JM Gambetta
Physical Review Applied 5 (1), 011001, 2016
Fabry-Perot interferometry with fractional charges
DT McClure, W Chang, CM Marcus, LN Pfeiffer, KW West
Physical Review Letters 108 (25), 256804, 2012
System for measuring auto-and cross correlation of current noise at low temperatures
L DiCarlo, Y Zhang, DT McClure, CM Marcus, LN Pfeiffer, KW West
Review of scientific instruments 77 (7), 2006
Bulk and surface loss in superconducting transmon qubits
O Dial, DT McClure, S Poletto, GA Keefe, MB Rothwell, JM Gambetta, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 29 (4), 044001, 2016
Achieving a quantum smart workforce
CD Aiello, DD Awschalom, H Bernien, T Brower, KR Brown, TA Brun, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 6 (3), 030501, 2021
High-performance superconducting quantum processors via laser annealing of transmon qubits
EJ Zhang, S Srinivasan, N Sundaresan, DF Bogorin, Y Martin, ...
Science Advances 8 (19), eabi6690, 2022
Noise correlations in a Coulomb-blockaded quantum dot
Y Zhang, L DiCarlo, DT McClure, M Yamamoto, S Tarucha, CM Marcus, ...
Physical review letters 99 (3), 036603, 2007
Two-level-system dynamics in a superconducting qubit due to background ionizing radiation
T Thorbeck, A Eddins, I Lauer, DT McClure, M Carroll
PRX Quantum 4 (2), 020356, 2023
Analytical determination of participation in superconducting coplanar architectures
CE Murray, JM Gambetta, DT McClure, M Steffen
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 66 (8), 3724-3733, 2018
Dynamic nuclear polarization in the fractional quantum Hall regime
A Kou, DT McClure, CM Marcus, LN Pfeiffer, KW West
Physical review letters 105 (5), 056804, 2010
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