Інна Олександрівна Макаренко, Inna Makarenko
Інна Олександрівна Макаренко, Inna Makarenko
доцент кафедри бухгалтерського обліку та оподаткування ННІ бізнес-технологій "УАБС" СумДУ
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Sustainability information disclosure as an instrument of marketing communication with stakeholders: markets, social and economic aspects
TA Vasylieva, SV Lieonov, IO Makarenko, N Sirkovska
СумДУ, 2017
The role of accounting in sustainable development
I Makarenko, A Plastun
Accounting and Financial Control 1 (2), 4-12, 2017
Мотиваційні механізми дематеріалізаційних та енергоефективних змін національної економіки
ІМ Сотник, ВГ Боронос, ТА Васильєва, ІО Галиця, АВ Кучмійов, ...
Університетська книга, 2016
SDGs and ESG disclosure regulation: is there an impact? Evidence from Top-50 world economies
OL Plastun, IO Makarenko, LI Khomutenko, O Osetrova, P Shcherbakov
Businness Perspectives, 2020
Market efficiency of traditional stock market indices and social responsible indices: The role of sustainability reporting
R Mynhardt, I Makarenko, A Plastun
Henry Mynhardt, Inna Makarenko and Alex Plastun (2017). Market efficiency of …, 2017
Long memory in the Ukrainian stock market and financial crises
GM Caporale, L Gil-Alana, A Plastun, I Makarenko
Journal of Economics and Finance 40, 235-257, 2016
Transition to sustainability reporting: evidence from EU and Ukraine
IO Makarenko, N Sirkovska
Sumy State University, 2017
Persistence in ESG and conventional stock market indices
GM Caporale, L Gil-Alana, A Plastun, I Makarenko
Journal of Economics and Finance 46 (4), 678-703, 2022
Behavior of financial markets efficiency during the financial market crisis: 2007-2009
HR Mynhardt, A Plastun, I Makarenko
Mapping of the responsible investments instruments in sdg 3 ‘good health and well-being’financing: EU and US experience
YS Serpeninova, IO Makarenko, OL Plastun, A Babkoв, G Gasimova
Sumy State University, 2020
Бухгалтерський облік: загальна теорія: навч. посіб.
ЮС Серпенінова, СМ Гольцова, ІО Макаренко
Суми: Університетська книга 336, 2015
Modern methodical approaches to the evaluation of corporate reporting transparency
Т Vasyl’eva, S Leonov, I Makarenko
Науковий вісник Полісся 2 (1 (9)), 185-190, 2017
The approach to managing corporate social and environmental responsibility in manufacturing
YO Myroshnychenko, IO Makarenko, DO Smolennikov, AV Buriak
UIKTEN, 2019
Sustainable Development Goals in agriculture and responsible investment: A comparative study of the Czech Republic and Ukraine
OL Plastun, IO Makarenko, S Bashlai
Business Perspectives, 2021
Force majeure events and stock market reactions in Ukraine
GM Caporale, A Plastun, I Makarenko
Investment management and financial innovations, 334-345, 2019
Intraday anomalies and market efficiency: A trading robot analysis
GM Caporale, L Gil-Alana, A Plastun, I Makarenko
Computational Economics 47, 275-295, 2016
Sustainability reporting in the light of corporate social responsibility development: economic and legal issues
V Sukhonos, I Makarenko
Problems and Perspectives in Management, 166-174, 2017
Standardization of sustainability reporting: rationale for better investment decision-making
H Mynhardt, I Makarenko, A Plastun
Public and Municipal Finance 6 (2), 7-15, 2017
ESG disclosure regulation: in search of a relationship with the countries competitiveness
OL Plastun, IO Makarenko, OV Kravchenko, NV Ovcharova, ZA Oleksich
Business Perspectives, 2019
Sustainability reporting assessment for quality and compliance: the case of Ukrainian banks’ management reports
IO Makarenko, VV Sukhonos, IV Zhuravlyova, S Legenchuk, O Szołno
Business Perspectives, 2020
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