Matthew G. Bakker
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Root exudation of phytochemicals in Arabidopsis follows specific patterns that are developmentally programmed and correlate with soil microbial functions
JM Chaparro, DV Badri, MG Bakker, A Sugiyama, DK Manter, JM Vivanco
PLoS ONE 8 (2), e55731, 2013
Harnessing the rhizosphere microbiome through plant breeding and agricultural management
MG Bakker, DK Manter, AM Sheflin, TL Weir, JM Vivanco
Plant and Soil 360, 1-13, 2012
Potential impact of soil microbiomes on the leaf metabolome and on herbivore feeding behavior
DV Badri, G Zolla, MG Bakker, DK Manter, JM Vivanco
New Phytologist 198 (1), 264-273, 2013
A coevolutionary framework for managing disease-suppressive soils
LL Kinkel, MG Bakker, DC Schlatter
Annual Review of Phytopathology 49, 47-67, 2011
Plant community richness and microbial interactions structure bacterial communities in soil.
DC Schlatter, MG Bakker, JM Bradeen, LL Kinkel
Ecology 96, 134-142, 2014
Soil microbiomes vary in their ability to confer drought tolerance to Arabidopsis
G Zolla, DV Badri, MG Bakker, DK Manter, JM Vivanco
Applied Soil Ecology 68, 1-9, 2013
Streptomyces competition and coevolution in relation to plant disease suppression
LL Kinkel, DC Schlatter, MG Bakker, BE Arenz
Research in Microbiology 163, 490-499, 2012
Diffuse symbioses: Roles of plant–plant, plant–microbe and microbe–microbe interactions in structuring the soil microbiome
MG Bakker, DC Schlatter, L Otto‐Hanson, LL Kinkel
Molecular Ecology 23, 1571-1583, 2013
Impacts of bulk soil microbial community structure on rhizosphere microbiomes of Zea mays
MG Bakker, JM Chaparro, DK Manter, JM Vivanco
Plant and Soil 392, 115-126, 2015
Managing for multifunctionality in perennial grain crops
MR Ryan, TE Crews, SW Culman, LR DeHaan, RC Hayes, JM Jungers, ...
BioScience 68 (4), 294-304, 2018
Biomass production of 12 winter cereal cover crop cultivars and their effect on subsequent no-till corn yield
TC Kaspar, MG Bakker
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 70 (6), 353-364, 2015
The potential for cereal rye cover crops to host corn pathogens
MG Bakker, J Acharya, TB Moorman, AE Robertson, TC Kaspar
Phytopathology 106 (6), 591-601, 2016
Time interval between cover crop termination and planting influences corn seedling disease, plant growth, and yield
J Acharya, MG Bakker, TB Moorman, TC Kaspar, AW Lenssen, ...
Plant Disease 101, 591-600, 2017
Plant monocultures produce more antagonistic soil Streptomyces communities than high-diversity plant communities
MG Bakker, L Otto-Hanson, AJ Lange, JM Bradeen, LL Kinkel
Soil Biology & Biochemistry 65, 304-312, 2013
A fungal mock community control for amplicon sequencing experiments
MG Bakker
Molecular Ecology Resources 18, 541-556, 2018
Plant community effects on the diversity and pathogen suppressive activity of soil streptomycetes
MG Bakker, JD Glover, JG Mai, LL Kinkel
Applied Soil Ecology 46 (1), 35-42, 2010
Fusarium mycotoxins: a trans-disciplinary overview
MG Bakker, DW Brown, AC Kelly, HS Kim, CP Kurtzman, SP Mccormick, ...
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 40 (2), 161-171, 2018
Variations in diversity and richness of gut bacterial communities of termites (Reticulitermes flavipes) fed with grassy and woody plant substrates
XF Huang, MG Bakker, TM Judd, KF Reardon, JM Vivanco
Microbial Ecology 65, 531-536, 2013
Genetic elucidation of interconnected antibiotic pathways mediating maize innate immunity
Y Ding, PR Weckwerth, E Poretsky, KM Murphy, J Sims, E Saldivar, ...
Nature Plants 6 (11), 1375-1388, 2020
Subinhibitory antibiotic concentrations mediate nutrient use and competition among soil Streptomyces
P Vaz Jauri, MG Bakker, CE Salomon, LL Kinkel
PLoS ONE 8 (12), e81064, 2013
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