Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Eduard HryhaPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 10
Reduction of incandescent spatter with helium addition to the process gas during laser powder bed fusion of Ti-6Al-4V
C Pauzon, B Hoppe, T Pichler, S Dubiez-Le Goff, P Forêt, T Nguyen, ...
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 35, 371-378, 2021
Mandat: Vinnova, Sweden
Nitrogen uptake of nickel free austenitic stainless steel powder during heat treatment—An XPS study
A Weddeling, K Lefor, E Hryha, S Huth, L Nyborg, S Weber, W Theisen
Surface and Interface Analysis 47 (3), 413-422, 2015
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Effect of density and processing conditions on oxide transformations and mechanical properties in Cr–Mo-alloyed pm steels
M Vattur Sundaram, E Hryha, D Chasoglou, A Rottstegge, L Nyborg
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 1-13, 2022
Mandat: Vinnova, Sweden
Effect of active components of sintering atmosphere on reduction/oxidation processes during sintering of Cr‐alloyed PM steels
E Hryha, S Karamchedu, D Riabov, L Nyborg, S Berg
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 98 (11), 3561-3568, 2015
Mandat: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Consolidation of water-atomized chromium–nickel-alloyed powder metallurgy steel through novel processing routes
AB Nagaram, MV Sundaram, J Gårdstam, M Andersson, Z Chen, E Hryha, ...
Powder Metallurgy 67 (1), 6-17, 2024
Mandat: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Capsule-free hot isostatic pressing of sintered steel to full density using water atomised iron and Cr-alloyed powder consolidated by cold isostatic pressing
M Vattur Sundaram, E Hryha, M Ahlfors, O Bergman, S Berg, L Nyborg
Powder Metallurgy 65 (2), 133-140, 2022
Mandat: Vinnova, Sweden
Concurrent Improvement of Additive Manufacturing Processability and Creep Performance in a Legacy Polycrystalline Superalloy Using Grain Boundary Strengtheners
AS Shaikh, E Hryha, M Sattari, M Thuvander, K Minet-Lallemand
International Symposium on Superalloys, 883-896, 2024
Mandat: Vinnova, Sweden
PM Stainless Steel: Influence of Nitrogen Atmosphere on Reduction Mechanisms of a High Strength Austenitic Steel
A Weddeling, S Huth, E Hryha, K Zumsande, L Nyborg
European Congress and Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy. European PM …, 2012
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Sintered Steels: Mn Containing Alloys: Oxide Transformation During Sintering of Cr and Mn Prealloyed Water Atomized Steel Powder
E Hryha, L Nyborg
European Congress and Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy. European PM …, 2011
Mandat: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Powder Manufacturing: Atomisation: Characterization of High-Mn-Cr Austenitic Steel Powder Fe-19Mn-18Cr-CN
A Weddeling, K Zumsande, E Hryha, S Huth, L Nyborg, S Weber
European Congress and Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy. European PM …, 2011
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 64
Increasing the productivity of laser powder bed fusion for stainless steel 316L through increased layer thickness
A Leicht, M Fischer, U Klement, L Nyborg, E Hryha
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 30, 575-584, 2021
Mandat: European Commission, Vinnova, Sweden
In-situ detection of redeposited spatter and its influence on the formation of internal flaws in laser powder bed fusion
C Schwerz, A Raza, X Lei, L Nyborg, E Hryha, H Wirdelius
Additive Manufacturing 47, 102370, 2021
Mandat: European Commission, Vinnova, Sweden
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Haynes 282 superalloy produced by laser powder bed fusion
AS Shaikh, F Schulz, K Minet-Lallemand, E Hryha
Materials Today Communications 26, 102038, 2021
Mandat: Vinnova, Sweden
Investigation of the strengthening mechanism in 316L stainless steel produced with laser powder bed fusion
D Riabov, A Leicht, J Ahlström, E Hryha
Materials Science and Engineering: A 822, 141699, 2021
Mandat: Vinnova, Sweden
Degradation of AlSi10Mg powder during laser based powder bed fusion processing
A Raza, T Fiegl, I Hanif, A MarkstrÖm, M Franke, C Körner, E Hryha
Materials & Design 198, 109358, 2021
Mandat: Vinnova, Sweden
Complex geometry and integrated macro-porosity: Clinical applications of electron beam melting to fabricate bespoke bone-anchored implants
A Palmquist, M Jolic, E Hryha, FA Shah
Acta biomaterialia 156, 125-145, 2023
Mandat: Swedish Research Council, Vinnova, Sweden
The role of microstructural characteristics of additively manufactured Alloy 718 on tool wear in machining
A Malakizadi, T Hajali, F Schulz, S Cedergren, J Ålgårdh, R M'Saoubi, ...
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 171, 103814, 2021
Mandat: Vinnova, Sweden
Sintering anisotropy of binder jetted 316L stainless steel: part I–sintering anisotropy
A Cabo Rios, E Hryha, E Olevsky, P Harlin
Powder Metallurgy 65 (4), 273-282, 2022
Mandat: Vinnova, Sweden
Sintering anisotropy of binder jetted 316L stainless steel: part II–microstructure evolution during sintering
A Cabo Rios, E Hryha, E Olevsky, P Harlin
Powder Metallurgy 65 (4), 283-295, 2022
Mandat: Vinnova, Sweden
Oxygen balance during laser powder bed fusion of Alloy 718
C Pauzon, A Raza, E Hryha, P Forêt
Materials & Design 201, 109511, 2021
Mandat: Vinnova, Sweden
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