M.X. Huang
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Dikutip oleh
High dislocation density–induced large ductility in deformed and partitioned steels
BB He, B Hu, HW Yen, GJ Cheng, ZK Wang, HW Luo, MX Huang
Science 357 (6355), 1029-1032, 2017
The effect of morphology on the stability of retained austenite in a quenched and partitioned steel
XC Xiong, B Chen, MX Huang, JF Wang, L Wang
Scripta Materialia 68 (5), 321-324, 2013
Lattice dislocations enhancing thermoelectric PbTe in addition to band convergence
Z Chen, Z Jian, W Li, Y Chang, B Ge, R Hanus, J Yang, Y Chen, M Huang, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (23), 1606768, 2017
Driving force and logic of development of advanced high strength steels for automotive applications
O Bouaziz, H Zurob, M Huang
Steel research international 84 (10), 937-947, 2013
Making ultrastrong steel tough by grain-boundary delamination
L Liu, Q Yu, Z Wang, J Ell, MX Huang, RO Ritchie
Science 368 (6497), 1347-1352, 2020
Kinematic and thermal characteristics of Lüders and Portevin-Le Châtelier bands in a medium Mn transformation-induced plasticity steel
XG Wang, L Wang, MX Huang
Acta Materialia 124, 17-29, 2017
The respective hardening contributions of dislocations and twins to the flow stress of a twinning-induced plasticity steel
ZY Liang, YZ Li, MX Huang
Scripta Materialia 112, 28-31, 2016
Effect of pre-existed austenite on austenite reversion and mechanical behavior of an Fe-0.2 C-8Mn-2Al medium Mn steel
R Ding, Z Dai, M Huang, Z Yang, C Zhang, H Chen
Acta Materialia 147, 59-69, 2018
Effect of intercritical annealing on the Lüders strains of medium Mn transformation-induced plasticity steels
H Luo, H Dong, M Huang
Materials & Design 83, 42-48, 2015
Effect of chemical composition on work hardening of Fe—Mn—C TWIP steels
O Bouaziz, H Zurob, B Chehab, JD Embury, S Allain, M Huang
Materials Science and Technology 27 (3), 707-709, 2011
Strain rate sensitivity and evolution of dislocations and twins in a twinning-induced plasticity steel
ZY Liang, X Wang, W Huang, MX Huang
Acta Materialia 88, 170-179, 2015
Experimental investigation on a novel medium Mn steel combining transformation-induced plasticity and twinning-induced plasticity effects
BB He, HW Luo, MX Huang
International Journal of Plasticity 78, 173-186, 2016
Nanoindentation investigation on the mechanical stability of individual austenite grains in a medium-Mn transformation-induced plasticity steel
BB He, MX Huang, ZY Liang, AHW Ngan, HW Luo, J Shi, WQ Cao, ...
Scripta Materialia 69 (3), 215-218, 2013
Abnormal TRIP effect on the work hardening behavior of a quenching and partitioning steel at high strain rate
M Wang, MX Huang
Acta Materialia 188, 551-559, 2020
The role of transformation‐induced plasticity in the development of advanced high strength steels
L Liu, B He, M Huang
Advanced Engineering Materials 20 (6), 1701083, 2018
Optimum properties of quenching and partitioning steels achieved by balancing fraction and stability of retained austenite
L Liu, BB He, GJ Cheng, HW Yen, MX Huang
Scripta Materialia 150, 1-6, 2018
Evolution of dislocations and twins in a strong and ductile nanotwinned steel
P Zhou, ZY Liang, RD Liu, MX Huang
Acta Materialia 111, 96-107, 2016
Super-high-strength and formable medium Mn steel manufactured by warm rolling process
B Hu, BB He, GJ Cheng, HW Yen, MX Huang, HW Luo
Acta Materialia 174, 131-141, 2019
Interactions between deformation-induced defects and carbides in a vanadium-containing TWIP steel
HW Yen, M Huang, CP Scott, JR Yang
Scripta Materialia 66 (12), 1018-1023, 2012
Machine learning recommends affordable new Ti alloy with bone-like modulus
CT Wu, HT Chang, CY Wu, SW Chen, SY Huang, M Huang, YT Pan, ...
Materials Today 34, 41-50, 2020
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