Kiarash Afshar Pour Rezaeieh
Kiarash Afshar Pour Rezaeieh
Assist. Prof. Dr. Igdir University, Field Crops Department
Email yang diverifikasi di igdir.edu.tr
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Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) cultivation studies under Ankara ecological conditions
B Gurbuz, RB Bagdat, M Uyanik, KAP Rezaeieh
Industrial Crops and Products 88, 12-16, 2016
Comparison of essential oil components of wild and field grown Salvia cryptantha Montbert & Aucher ex Benthan, in Turkey
A İpek, B Gürbüz, MÜ Bingöl, F Geven, G Akgül, KAP Rezaeieh, B Coşge
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 36 (6), 668-672, 2012
Effects of Different Zinc Levels on Vegetative Growth and Essential Oil Contents of some Iranian and Turkish Cumin (Cumin cyminum L.) Genotypes
KAP Rezaeieh, B Gurbuz, A Eivazi
Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 19 (5), 1181-1191, 2016
Variation in fatty acid composition of four Turkish registered poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) seeds in two locations (Ankara and Boldavin) of Turkey
A Rahimi, N Arslan, KAP Rezaeieh, B Gurbuz
European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences 4 (1), 183, 2015
Volatile Constituents Variability in Matricaria chamomilla L. From Ankara, Turkey
KAP Rezaeih, B Gurbuz, M Uyanik, A Rahimi, N Arslan
Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 18 (1), 255-260, 2015
Baklagillerde bakteri aşılaması ve azot fiksasyonu
M Uyanık, KAP Rezaeieh, Y Delen, B Gürbüz
Ziraat Mühendisliği, 8-12, 2011
Evaluation of morphological characteristics in five Persian maize (Zea mays L.) under drought stress
KAP Rezaeieh, A Eivazi
African Journal of Agricultural Research 6 (18), 4409-4411, 2011
Chemical composition of bioactive volatile oils from Silene vulgaris L.
B Yildirim, AM Kumlay, KAP Rezaeieh
Ponte,International Scientific Researches Journal 72 (9), 213-220, 2016
Chemical Constituents and Antibacterial Activities of Essential Oils of Common Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris L.) from Eastern Anatolia Flora
B Yildirim, AM Kumlay, K Ekici, KAP Rezaeieh
Ponte 72 (9), 2016
Biotic and abiotic stresses mediated changes in secondary metabolites induction of medicinal plants
KAP Rezaeieh, B Gurbuz, M Uyanık
Aromatic Herbs Medicine Symposium 13, 218-22, 2012
Safran (Crocus sativus L.)’ın farklı eksplantlarından in vitro koşullarda bitki çoğaltımı hakkında derleme ve beklentiler
KAP Rezaeieh, P Vaziri
Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 29-31, 2012
GC/MS Analysis of Bioactive Components of Dracocephalum moldavica L., Treated by Boric Acid Doses
TABAD, Tarım Bilimleri Araștırma Dergisi 7 (1), 19-21, 2014
Evaluation of morphological characteristics in five Persian maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes under drought stress
KA Rezaeieh, A Eivazi
Universidad de Oriente Press, 2013
Ökaryot Hücrelerde Korunmuş Mikro RNA’lar ve Hedef Transkripsyonların Faliyetleri
PA Vaziri, KAP Rezaeıeh
Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 96-98, 2012
Türkiye’de kimyon tarımı ve ekonomik önemi
B Gürbüz, A Kaya, KAP Rezaeieh, A Çelik, M Uyanık
Türk Tarım. Ocak-Şubat 203, 84-87, 2012
Volatile oil components and antibacterial activity of Achillea biebersteinii Afan. from lake Van Basin, Turkey
B Yildirim, K Ekici, KAP Rezaeieh
Asian Journal of Chemistry 27 (12), 4686, 2015
Comparison of Essential Oil Components of Salvia forskahlei L. Collected from Nature and Cultivated
A Ipek, B Gurbuz, U Bingol, F Geven, M Uyanik, G Akgul, KAP Rezaeieh, ...
Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 17 (5), 1012-1016, 2014
Genomic DNA extraction from seed induced callus and explants in Salvia L. species for utilization in secondary metabolite production
KAP Rezaeieh, M Shidfar, B Gürbüz, KM Khavar
J Med Plant Res 6, 636-40, 2012
Volatile Oil Yield and Constituents of Salvia officinalis, S. tomentosa Mill. and S. glutinosa Growing in Ankara, Turkey
KAP Rezaeieh, B Gurbuz
Asian Journal of Agricultural Research 11 (2), 43-47, 2017
Performance and some physiological traits of Iranian corn (Zea mays L.) varieties as impelled by drought stress
KA Rezaeieh, A Eivazi
Revista Científica UDO Agrícola 13 (1), 17-24, 2013
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