DJ Oehlers
DJ Oehlers
Emeritus Professor of Structural Engineering, The University of Adelaide
Email yang diverifikasi di civeng.adelaide.edu.au
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Composite Steel and Concrete Structures: Fundamental Behaviour: Composite Steel and Concrete Structures: Fundamental Behaviour
DJ Oehlers, MA Bradford
Elsevier, 2013
Blast testing of ultra-high performance fibre and FRP-retrofitted concrete slabs
C Wu, DJ Oehlers, M Rebentrost, J Leach, AS Whittaker
Engineering structures 31 (9), 2060-2069, 2009
Generic debonding resistance of EB and NSM plate-to-concrete joints
R Seracino, MR Raizal Saifulnaz, DJ Oehlers
Journal of Composites for Construction 11 (1), 62-70, 2007
Reinforced concrete beams with plates glued to their soffits
DJ Oehlers
Journal of Structural Engineering 118 (8), 2023-2038, 1992
Elementary behaviour of composite steel and concrete structural members
DJ Oehlers, MA Bradford
Elsevier, 1999
Premature failure of externally plated reinforced concrete beams
DJ Oehlers, JP Moran
Journal of Structural Engineering 116 (4), 978-995, 1990
Local and global bond characteristics of steel reinforcing bars
M Haskett, DJ Oehlers, MSM Ali
Engineering Structures 30 (2), 376-383, 2008
Design of FRP and steel plated RC structures: Retrofitting beams and slabs for strength, stiffness and ductility
D Oehlers, R Seracino
Elsevier, 2004
The shear stiffness of stud shear connections in composite beams
DJ Oehlers, CG Coughlan
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 6 (4), 273-284, 1986
Bond strength of near-surface mounted FRP strip-to-concrete joints
R Seracino, NM Jones, MS Ali, MW Page, DJ Oehlers
Journal of Composites for Construction 11 (4), 401-409, 2007
The fatigue strength of stud shear connections in composite beams.
DJ Oehlers, L Foley
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers 79 (2), 349-364, 1985
Fundamental principles that govern retrofitting of reinforced concrete columns by steel and FRP jacketing
YF Wu, T Liu, DJ Oehlers
Advances in Structural Engineering 9 (4), 507-533, 2006
Concrete-filled square and rectangular FRP tubes under axial compression
T Ozbakkaloglu, DJ Oehlers
Journal of Composites for Construction 12 (4), 469-477, 2008
Composite beams with limited-slip-capacity shear connectors
DJ Oehlers, G Sved
Journal of Structural Engineering 121 (6), 932-938, 1995
Interfacial stress transfer of near surface-mounted FRP-to-concrete joints
MSM Ali, DJ Oehlers, MC Griffith, R Seracino
Engineering structures 30 (7), 1861-1868, 2008
Rigid body moment–rotation mechanism for reinforced concrete beam hinges
M Haskett, DJ Oehlers, MSM Ali, C Wu
Engineering structures 31 (5), 1032-1041, 2009
Deterioration in strength of stud connectors in composite bridge beams
DJ Oehlers
Journal of structural engineering 116 (12), 3417-3431, 1990
Blast testing of aluminum foam–protected reinforced concrete slabs
C Wu, L Huang, DJ Oehlers
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 25 (5), 464-474, 2011
Tests on the ductility of reinforced concrete beams retrofitted with FRP and steel near-surface mounted plates
IS Liu, DJ Oehlers, R Seracino
Journal of Composites for Construction 10 (2), 106-114, 2006
Elastic buckling of unilaterally constrained rectangular plates in pure shear
ST Smith, MA Bradford, DJ Oehlers
Engineering Structures 21 (5), 443-453, 1999
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