Paul Mayrhofer
Paul Mayrhofer
University Professor of Materials Science, TU Wien, AVS Fellow
Email yang diverifikasi di tuwien.ac.at - Beranda
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Microstructural design of hard coatings
PH Mayrhofer, C Mitterer, L Hultman, H Clemens
Progress in materials science 51 (8), 1032-1114, 2006
Self-organized nanostructures in the Ti–Al–N system
PH Mayrhofer, A Hörling, L Karlsson, J Sjölén, T Larsson, C Mitterer, ...
Applied Physics Letters 83 (10), 2049-2051, 2003
Thermal stability of Al–Cr–N hard coatings
H Willmann, PH Mayrhofer, POÅ Persson, AE Reiter, L Hultman, ...
Scripta Materialia 54 (11), 1847-1851, 2006
Thermal stability and oxidation resistance of Ti–Al–N coatings
L Chen, J Paulitsch, Y Du, PH Mayrhofer
Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (11-12), 2954-2960, 2012
A comparative study on reactive and non-reactive unbalanced magnetron sputter deposition of TiN coatings
PH Mayrhofer, F Kunc, J Musil, C Mitterer
Thin solid films 415 (1-2), 151-159, 2002
Structure–property relationships in single-and dual-phase nanocrystalline hard coatings
PH Mayrhofer, C Mitterer, J Musil
Surface and Coatings Technology 174, 725-731, 2003
Influence of the Al distribution on the structure, elastic properties, and phase stability of supersaturated Ti1− xAlxN
PH Mayrhofer, D Music, JM Schneider
Journal of Applied Physics 100 (9), 2006
Self-organized nanocolumnar structure in superhard TiB2 thin films
PH Mayrhofer, C Mitterer, JG Wen, JE Greene, I Petrov
Applied Physics Letters 86 (13), 2005
Structure, mechanical and tribological properties of sputtered Ti1–xAlxN coatings with 0.5≤ x≤ 0.75
K Kutschej, PH Mayrhofer, M Kathrein, P Polcik, R Tessadri, C Mitterer
Surface and Coatings Technology 200 (7), 2358-2365, 2005
Magnéli phase formation of PVD Mo–N and W–N coatings
G Gassner, PH Mayrhofer, K Kutschej, C Mitterer, M Kathrein
Surface and Coatings Technology 201 (6), 3335-3341, 2006
Microstructure and properties of nanocomposite Ti–B–N and Ti–B–C coatings
C Mitterer, PH Mayrhofer, M Beschliesser, P Losbichler, P Warbichler, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 120, 405-411, 1999
High-entropy ceramic thin films; A case study on transition metal diborides
PH Mayrhofer, A Kirnbauer, P Ertelthaler, CM Koller
Scripta Materialia 149, 93-97, 2018
Structure and properties of hard and superhard Zr–Cu–N nanocomposite coatings
P Zeman, R Čerstvý, PH Mayrhofer, C Mitterer, J Musil
Materials Science and Engineering: A 289 (1-2), 189-197, 2000
Decomposition pathways in age hardening of Ti-Al-N films
R Rachbauer, S Massl, E Stergar, D Holec, D Kiener, J Keckes, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (2), 2011
Thermal stability of PVD hard coatings
C Mitterer, PH Mayrhofer, J Musil
Vacuum 71 (1-2), 279-284, 2003
Superlattice effect for enhanced fracture toughness of hard coatings
R Hahn, M Bartosik, R Soler, C Kirchlechner, G Dehm, PH Mayrhofer
Scripta Materialia 124, 67-70, 2016
Calorimetric evidence for frictional self-adaptation of TiAlN/VN superlattice coatings
PH Mayrhofer, PE Hovsepian, C Mitterer, WD Münz
Surface and Coatings Technology 177, 341-347, 2004
Ab initio calculated binodal and spinodal of cubic Ti1− xAlxN
PH Mayrhofer, D Music, JM Schneider
Applied Physics Letters 88 (7), 2006
Trends in the elastic response of binary early transition metal nitrides
D Holec, M Friák, J Neugebauer, PH Mayrhofer
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (6), 064101, 2012
A new low-friction concept for Ti1− xAlxN based coatings in high-temperature applications
K Kutschej, PH Mayrhofer, M Kathrein, P Polcik, C Mitterer
Surface and Coatings Technology 188, 358-363, 2004
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