John T. Gardner
John T. Gardner
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Developing and implementing supply chain partnerships
DM Lambert, MA Emmelhainz, JT Gardner
The international Journal of Logistics management 7 (2), 1-18, 1996
Building successful logistics partnerships
DM Lambert, MA Emmelhainz, JT Gardner
Journal of business logistics 20 (1), 165, 1999
Meshing multiple alliances.
MC Cooper, LM Ellram, JT Gardner, AM Hanks
Journal of Business logistics 18 (1), 1997
Building good business relationships: more than just partnering or strategic alliances?
MC Cooper, JT Gardner
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 23 (6 …, 1993
Strategic supply chain mapping approaches
JT Gardner, MC Cooper
Journal of business logistics 24 (2), 37-64, 2003
Supply chain partnerships: model validation and implementation
DM Lambert, AM Knemeyer, JT Gardner
Journal of business Logistics 25 (2), 21-42, 2004
The intellectual structure of supply chain management: A bibliometric approach
FF Charvet, MC Cooper, JT Gardner
Journal of business logistics 29 (1), 47-73, 2008
Understanding shipper-carrier and shipper-warehouser relationships: partnerships revisited
JT Gardner, MC Cooper, TG Noordewier
Journal of Business Logistics 15 (2), 121, 1994
So you think you want a partner?
DM Lambert, MA Emmelhainz, JT Gardner
Marketing Management 5 (2), 24, 1996
Understanding industrial distributors' expectations of benefits from relationships with suppliers
AK Ghosh, W Benoy Joseph, JT Gardner, SV Thach
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 19 (7), 433-443, 2004
Elements of strategic partnership
J Gardner, MC Cooper
College of Business, Ohio State University, 1988
How industrial distributors view distributor-supplier partnership arrangements
WB Joseph, JT Gardner, S Thach, F Vernon
Industrial Marketing Management 24 (1), 27-36, 1995
Viral marketing–more than a buzzword
K Sohn, JT Gardner, JL Weaver
Journal of Applied Business and Economics 14 (1), 21-42, 2013
Building high performance business relationships
DM Lambert, AM Knemeyer, JT Gardner
Supply Chain Management Institute, 2010
A sensitivity analysis of an epidemiological model of viral marketing: When viral marketing efforts fall flat
JT Gardner, K Sohn, JY Seo, JL Weaver
Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness 7 (4), 25-46, 2013
Antecedents, outcomes, and moderating influences on industrial distributors’ satisfaction with supplier relationships
AK Ghosh, WB Joseph, JT Gardner, SV Thach
Journal of Marketing theory and Practice 5 (4), 58-67, 1997
Classifying relationships
D Lambert, P Emmelhainz, J Gardner
Marketing Management 5 (2), 28, 1996
Developing and implementing partnerships in the supply chain
DM Lambert, MA Knemeyer, JT Gardner
Supply Chain Management: processes, partnerships, performance 2, 2008
Modeling the continuum of relationship styles between distributors and suppliers
JT Gardner, WB Joseph, S Thach
Journal of Marketing Channels 2 (4), 1-28, 1993
Logistics partnerships: an exploration of form and influencing factors leading to a normative model of partnership building
JT Gardner
The Ohio State University, 1989
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