Kun Gao
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Revealing psychological inertia in mode shift behavior and its quantitative influences on commuting trips
K Gao, Y Yang, L Sun, X Qu
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 71, 272-287, 2020
Merging control strategies of connected and autonomous vehicles at freeway on-ramps: A comprehensive review
J Zhu, S Easa, K Gao
Journal of intelligent and connected vehicles 5 (2), 99-111, 2022
An empirical analysis of dockless bike-sharing utilization and its explanatory factors: case study from Shanghai, China
A Li, P Zhao, Y Huang, K Gao, KW Axhausen
Journal of Transport Geography 88, 102828, 2020
Cumulative prospect theory coupled with multi-attribute decision making for modeling travel behavior
K Gao, L Sun, Y Yang, F Meng, X Qu
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 148, 1-21, 2021
High-resolution assessment of environmental benefits of dockless bike-sharing systems based on transaction data
A Li, K Gao, P Zhao, X Qu, KW Axhausen
Journal of Cleaner Production 296, 126423, 2021
Impacts of reduced visibility under hazy weather condition on collision risk and car-following behavior: Implications for traffic control and management
K Gao, H Tu, L Sun, NN Sze, Z Song, H Shi
International journal of sustainable transportation 14 (8), 635-642, 2020
Spatial heterogeneity in distance decay of using bike sharing: An empirical large-scale analysis in Shanghai
K Gao, Y Yang, A Li, X Qu
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 94, 102814, 2021
Quantifying economic benefits from free-floating bike-sharing systems: a trip-level inference approach and city-scale analysis
K Gao, Y Yang, A Li, J Li, B Yu
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 144, 89-103, 2021
A bi-level optimization framework for charging station design problem considering heterogeneous charging modes
L Zhang, Z Zeng, K Gao
Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles 5 (1), 8-16, 2022
Variations in mode-specific valuations of travel time reliability and in-vehicle crowding: Implications for demand estimation
H Li, K Gao, H Tu
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 103, 250-263, 2017
A platoon-based cooperative optimal control for connected autonomous vehicles at highway on-ramps under heavy traffic
Y Xue, X Zhang, Z Cui, B Yu, K Gao
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 150, 104083, 2023
Examining nonlinear and interaction effects of multiple determinants on airline travel satisfaction
K Gao, Y Yang, X Qu
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 97, 102957, 2021
Diverging effects of subjective prospect values of uncertain time and money
K Gao, Y Yang, X Qu
Communications in Transportation Research 1, 100007, 2021
Extrapolation-enhanced model for travel decision making: An ensemble machine learning approach considering behavioral theory
K Gao, Y Yang, T Zhang, A Li, X Qu
Knowledge-Based Systems 218, 106882, 2021
Data-driven interpretation on interactive and nonlinear effects of the correlated built environment on shared mobility
K Gao, Y Yang, J Gil, X Qu
Journal of Transport Geography 110, 103604, 2023
Adaptive collision-free trajectory tracking control for string stable bidirectional platoons
S Cui, Y Xue, K Gao, M Lv, B Yu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (11), 12141-12153, 2023
Spatio-temporal usage patterns of dockless bike-sharing service linking to a metro station: a case study in Shanghai, China
Q Yan, K Gao, L Sun, M Shao
Sustainability 12 (3), 851, 2020
Heterogeneity in valuation of travel time reliability and in-vehicle crowding for mode choices in multimodal networks
K Gao, L Sun, H Tu, H Li
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems 144 (10), 04018061, 2018
Investigating machine learning for simulating urban transport patterns: A comparison with traditional macro-models
O Parishwad, S Jiang, K Gao
Multimodal Transportation 2 (3), 100085, 2023
Geographically weighted machine learning for modeling spatial heterogeneity in traffic crash frequency and determinants in US
S Wang, K Gao, L Zhang, B Yu, SM Easa
Accident Analysis & Prevention 199, 107528, 2024
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