Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Yuri GalperinPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 1
Stationary and non-stationary noise in superconducting quantum devices
I Martin, L Bulaevskii, A Shnirman, YM Galperin
Noise and Fluctuations in Circuits, Devices, and Materials 6600, 35-46, 2007
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 20
Ray optics behavior of flux avalanche propagation in superconducting films
P Mikheenko, TH Johansen, S Chaudhuri, IJ Maasilta, YM Galperin
Physical Review B 91 (6), 060507, 2015
Mandat: Academy of Finland, Research Council of Norway
Quantization of entropy in a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas
AA Varlamov, AV Kavokin, YM Galperin
Physical Review B 93 (15), 155404, 2016
Mandat: European Commission
Finite-size bath in qubit thermodynamics
JP Pekola, S Suomela, YM Galperin
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 184, 1015-1029, 2016
Mandat: Academy of Finland
Exact asymptotic behavior of magnetic stripe domain arrays
TH Johansen, AV Pan, YM Galperin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (6), 060402, 2013
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Flux avalanches triggered by microwave depinning of magnetic vortices in Pb superconducting films
AA Awad, FG Aliev, GW Ataklti, A Silhanek, VV Moshchalkov, YM Galperin, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (22), 224511, 2011
Mandat: Government of Spain
Thermally driven inhibition of superconducting vortex avalanches
A Lara, FG Aliev, VV Moshchalkov, YM Galperin
Physical Review Applied 8 (3), 034027, 2017
Mandat: European Commission, Government of Spain
Statistics of deep energy states in Coulomb glasses
A Glatz, VM Vinokur, YM Galperin
Physical review letters 98 (19), 196401, 2007
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Melting of Wigner crystal in high-mobility -GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures at filling factors : Acoustic studies
IL Drichko, IY Smirnov, AV Suslov, YM Galperin, LN Pfeiffer, KW West
Physical Review B 94 (7), 075420, 2016
Mandat: US National Science Foundation
Dephasing and dissipation in qubit thermodynamics
JP Pekola, Y Masuyama, Y Nakamura, J Bergli, YM Galperin
Physical Review E 91 (6), 062109, 2015
Mandat: Academy of Finland
Nonequilibrium electrons in tunnel structures under high-voltage injection
NB Kopnin, YM Galperin, J Bergli, VM Vinokur
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (13), 134502, 2009
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Entropy signatures of topological phase transitions
YM Galperin, D Grassano, VP Gusynin, AV Kavokin, O Pulci, ...
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 127, 958-983, 2018
Mandat: European Commission
Coulomb blockade-tuned indirect exchange in ferromagnetic nanostructures
VI Kozub, YM Galperin, VM Vinokur
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 465, 304-308, 2018
Mandat: US Department of Energy
Nature of localized states in two-dimensional electron systems in the quantum Hall regime: Acoustic studies
IL Drichko, IY Smirnov, AV Suslov, YM Galperin, LN Pfeiffer, KW West
Low Temperature Physics 43 (1), 86-94, 2017
Mandat: US National Science Foundation
Coexistence of two hole phases in high-quality in the vicinity of Landau-level filling factors and
IL Drichko, IY Smirnov, AV Suslov, KW Baldwin, LN Pfeiffer, KW West, ...
Physical Review B 107 (8), 085301, 2023
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Energy fluctuations of a finite free-electron Fermi gas
JP Pekola, P Muratore-Ginanneschi, A Kupiainen, YM Galperin
Physical Review E 94 (2), 022123, 2016
Mandat: Academy of Finland
Anisotropic flux penetration in superconducting Nb films with frozen-in in-plane magnetic fields
F Colauto, D do Carmo, AMH de Andrade, AAM Oliveira, WA Ortiz, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 29 (5), 1-5, 2019
Mandat: Research Council of Norway
Composite fermions in a wide quantum well in the vicinity of the filling factor 1/2
IL Drichko, IY Smirnov, AV Suslov, D Kamburov, KW Baldwin, LN Pfeiffer, ...
Solid State Communications 301, 113698, 2019
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Proposed Model of the Giant Thermal Hall Effect in Two-Dimensional Superconductors: An Extension to the Superconducting Fluctuation Regime
AV Kavokin, YM Galperin, AA Varlamov
Physical Review Letters 125 (21), 217005, 2020
Mandat: European Commission
Temperature dependence of the microwave dielectric properties of -aminobutyric acid
J Hou, SM Abie, R Strand-Amundsen, YM Galperin, J Bergli, C Schuelke, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 18082, 2021
Mandat: European Commission
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