Saeed Rokooei
Saeed Rokooei
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Building information modeling in project management: necessities, challenges and outcomes
S Rokooei
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 210, 87-95, 2015
Virtual reality application for construction safety training
S Rokooei, A Shojaei, A Alvanchi, R Azad, N Didehvar
Safety science 157, 105925, 2023
Project-based construction education with simulations in a gaming environment
JD Goedert, S Rokooei
International Journal of Construction Education and Research 12 (3), 208-223, 2016
AHP based multi criteria decision analysis of success factors to enhance decision making in infrastructure construction projects
S Belay, J Goedert, A Woldesenbet, S Rokooei
Cogent Engineering 9 (1), 2043996, 2022
Integration of augmented reality, building information modeling, and image processing in construction management: a content analysis
A Karji, A Woldesenbet, S Rokooei
AEI 2017, 983-992, 2017
Enhancing BIM implementation in the Ethiopian public construction sector: an empirical study
S Belay, J Goedert, A Woldesenbet, S Rokooei
Cogent Engineering 8 (1), 1886476, 2021
Project-oriented pedagogical model for construction engineering education using cyberinfrastructure tools
JD Goedert, R Pawloski, S Rokooeisadabad, M Subramaniam
Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 139 (4 …, 2013
A hybrid delphi-AHP based analysis of construction project-specific success factors in emerging markets: the case of Ethiopia
S Belay, J Goedert, A Woldesenbet, S Rokooei
Cogent Engineering 8 (1), 1891701, 2021
A critical study of the existing issues in manufacturing maintenance systems: Can BIM fill the gap?
A Alvanchi, A TohidiFar, M Mousavi, R Azad, S Rokooei
Computers in Industry 131, 103484, 2021
Perception of COVID-19 impacts on the construction industry over time
S Rokooei, A Alvanchi, M Rahimi
Cogent Engineering 9 (1), 2044575, 2022
Using immersive video technology for construction management content delivery: a pilot study.
A Shojaei, S Rokooei, A Mahdavian, L Carson, G Ford
J. Inf. Technol. Constr. 26 (Nov), 886-901, 2021
Enhancing construction project management education by simulation
S Rokooei, JD Goedert, L Najjar
Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 143 (4 …, 2017
Comparison of BIM adoption models between public and private sectors through empirical investigation
S Belay, J Goedert, A Woldesenbet, S Rokooei
Advances in Civil Engineering 2021 (1), 5577654, 2021
Key BIM adoption drivers to improve performance of infrastructure projects in the Ethiopian construction sector: a Structural equation modeling approach
S Belay, J Goedert, A Woldesenbet, S Rokooei, J Matos, H Sousa
Advances in Civil Engineering 2021 (1), 7473176, 2021
Simulation as an effective tool for gender education in construction
S Rokooei, J Goedert, A Weerakoon
Procs, Higher Education Pedagogy, 291-292, 2014
Virtual interactive construction education: A project-based pedagogical model for construction engineering and management
J Goedert, S Rokooei, R Pawloski
Higher Education Pedagogy Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference, 8-10, 2012
Perceptions of civil engineering and construction students toward community and infrastructure resilience
S Rokooei, F Vahedifard, S Belay
Journal of Civil Engineering Education 148 (1), 04021015, 2022
Strategic management of foreign vassals in Iran regarding world recession period
S Rokooei, R Miralami, A Modarresi, D Poursarrajian
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 24, 174-180, 2011
Lessons Learned from a Simulation Project in Construction Education
S Rokooei, JD Goedert
2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 26.1083.1 - 26.1083.11, 2015
Using a simulation model for project management education
S Rokooei, J Goedert, K Fickle
7th Conf. on Higher Education Pedagogy, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, 2015
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