Harriet Auty
Harriet Auty
School of One Health, Biodiversity and Veterinary Medicine, University of Glasgow
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Bringing together emerging and endemic zoonoses surveillance: shared challenges and a common solution
J Halliday, C Daborn, H Auty, Z Mtema, T Lembo, BMC Bronsvoort, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 367 …, 2012
Predictability of anthrax infection in the Serengeti, Tanzania
K Hampson, T Lembo, P Bessell, H Auty, C Packer, J Halliday, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (6), 1333-1344, 2011
Trypanosome diversity in wildlife species from the Serengeti and Luangwa Valley ecosystems
H Auty, NE Anderson, K Picozzi, T Lembo, J Mubanga, R Hoare, ...
Public Library of Science 6 (10), e1828, 2012
Serologic surveillance of anthrax in the Serengeti ecosystem, Tanzania, 1996–2009
T Lembo, K Hampson, H Auty, CA Beesley, P Bessell, C Packer, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 17 (3), 387, 2011
Cattle trypanosomosis: the diversity of trypanosomes and implications for disease epidemiology and control.
H Auty, SJ Torr, T Michoel, S Jayaraman, LJ Morrison
Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) 34 (2 …, 2015
Waves of endemic foot-and-mouth disease in eastern Africa suggest feasibility of proactive vaccination approaches
M Casey-Bryars, R Reeve, U Bastola, NJ Knowles, H Auty, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 2 (9), 1449-1457, 2018
The use of reference strand‐mediated conformational analysis for the study of cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) feline leucocyte antigen class II DRB polymorphisms
GJC Drake, LJ Kennedy, HK Auty, R Ryvar, WER Ollier, AC Kitchener, ...
Molecular Ecology 13 (1), 221-229, 2004
Scenario planning as communicative action: Lessons from participatory exercises conducted for the Scottish livestock industry
DG Duckett, AJ McKee, LA Sutherland, C Kyle, LA Boden, H Auty, ...
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 114, 138-151, 2017
Using Molecular Data for Epidemiological Inference: Assessing the Prevalence of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense in Tsetse in Serengeti, Tanzania
HK Auty, K Picozzi, I Malele, SJ Torr, S Cleaveland, S Welburn
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 6 (1), e1501, 2012
Exploring the role of small-scale livestock keepers for national biosecurity—The pig case
C Correia-Gomes, MK Henry, HK Auty, GJ Gunn
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 145, 7-15, 2017
Pharma to farmer: field challenges of optimizing trypanocide use in African animal trypanosomiasis
S Richards, LJ Morrison, SJ Torr, MP Barrett, O Manangwa, F Mramba, ...
Trends in Parasitology 37 (9), 831-843, 2021
Vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease: do initial conditions affect its benefit?
T Porphyre, HK Auty, MJ Tildesley, GJ Gunn, MEJ Woolhouse
PLoS One 8 (10), e77616, 2013
Transmission dynamics of Rhodesian sleeping sickness at the interface of wildlife and livestock areas
H Auty, LJ Morrison, SJ Torr, J Lord
Trends in Parasitology 32 (8), 608-621, 2016
Assessing the economic impact of vaccine availability when controlling foot and mouth disease outbreaks
T Porphyre, KM Rich, HK Auty
Frontiers in veterinary science 5, 47, 2018
The risk of foot and mouth disease transmission posed by public access to the countryside during an outbreak
H Auty, D Mellor, G Gunn, LA Boden
Frontiers in veterinary science 6, 381, 2019
Epidemic potential of an emerging vector borne disease in a marginal environment: Schmallenberg in Scotland
PR Bessell, KR Searle, HK Auty, IG Handel, BV Purse, BMC Bronsvoort
Scientific Reports 3 (1), 1178, 2013
Geostatistical models using remotely‐sensed data predict savanna tsetse decline across the interface between protected and unprotected areas in Serengeti, Tanzania
JS Lord, SJ Torr, HK Auty, PM Brock, M Byamungu, JW Hargrove, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (4), 1997-2007, 2018
Quantifying Heterogeneity in Host-Vector Contact: Tsetse (Glossina swynnertoni and G. pallidipes) Host Choice in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
H Auty, S Cleaveland, I Malele, J Masoy, T Lembo, P Bessell, S Torr, ...
Plos one 11 (10), e0161291, 2016
Impact of temperature, feeding preference and vaccination on Schmallenberg virus transmission in Scotland
PR Bessell, HK Auty, KR Searle, IG Handel, BV Purse, ...
Scientific reports 4 (1), 5746, 2014
Health management of horses under high challenge from trypanosomes: a case study from Serengeti, Tanzania
H Auty, A Mundy, RD Fyumagwa, K Picozzi, S Welburn, R Hoare
Veterinary parasitology 154 (3-4), 233-241, 2008
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