Phosphorus sorption capacity of filter materials used for on‐site wastewater treatment determined in batch experiments–a comparative study V Cucarella, G Renman Journal of environmental quality 38 (2), 381-392, 2009 | 321 | 2009 |
Phosphate removal by mineral-based sorbents used in filters for small-scale wastewater treatment JP Gustafsson, A Renman, G Renman, K Poll Water research 42 (1-2), 189-197, 2008 | 230 | 2008 |
Characterization of opoka as a basis for its use in wastewater treatment Z Brogowski, G Renman Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 13 (1), 15-20, 2004 | 156 | 2004 |
Non-target screening and prioritization of potentially persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic domestic wastewater contaminants and their removal in on-site and large-scale … KM Blum, PL Andersson, G Renman, L Ahrens, M Gros, K Wiberg, ... Science of the Total Environment 575, 265-275, 2017 | 147 | 2017 |
Phosphorus retention in filter materials for wastewater treatment and its subsequent suitability for plant production LD Hylander, A Kietlińska, G Renman, G Simán Bioresource technology 97 (7), 914-921, 2006 | 145 | 2006 |
Seasonal variations of ten metals in highway runoff and their partition between dissolved and particulate matter M Hallberg, G Renman, T Lundbom Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 181, 183-191, 2007 | 139 | 2007 |
Long-term phosphate removal by the calcium-silicate material Polonite in wastewater filtration systems A Renman, G Renman Chemosphere 79 (6), 659-664, 2010 | 138 | 2010 |
Screening and prioritization of micropollutants in wastewaters from on-site sewage treatment facilities M Gros, KM Blum, H Jernstedt, G Renman, S Rodríguez-Mozaz, ... Journal of hazardous materials 328, 37-45, 2017 | 132 | 2017 |
Removal of pharmaceuticals, perfluoroalkyl substances and other micropollutants from wastewater using lignite, Xylit, sand, granular activated carbon (GAC) and GAC+ Polonite … A Rostvall, W Zhang, W Dürig, G Renman, K Wiberg, L Ahrens, ... Water research 137, 97-106, 2018 | 116 | 2018 |
An evaluation of reactive filter media for treating landfill leachate A Kietlińska, G Renman Chemosphere 61 (7), 933-940, 2005 | 83 | 2005 |
Effect of organic load on phosphorus and bacteria removal from wastewater using alkaline filter materials C Nilsson, G Renman, LJ Westholm, A Renman, A Drizo Water research 47 (16), 6289-6297, 2013 | 73 | 2013 |
Phosphorus in soil treatment systems: accumulation and mobility D Eveborn, JP Gustafsson, E Elmefors, L Yu, AK Eriksson, E Ljung, ... Water research 64, 42-52, 2014 | 59 | 2014 |
Sustainable use of crushed autoclaved aerated concrete (CAAC) as a filter medium in wastewater purification G Renman, A Renman 8th International conference on sustainable management of waste and recycled …, 2012 | 56 | 2012 |
Efficacy of reactive mineral-based sorbents for phosphate, bacteria, nitrogen and TOC removal–Column experiment in recirculation batch mode C Nilsson, R Lakshmanan, G Renman, GK Rajarao Water research 47 (14), 5165-5175, 2013 | 53 | 2013 |
Phosphorus removal performance and speciation in virgin and modified argon oxygen decarburisation slag designed for wastewater treatment M Zuo, G Renman, JP Gustafsson, A Renman Water Research 87, 271-281, 2015 | 49 | 2015 |
Effect of reactive substrates used for the removal of phosphorus from wastewater on the fertility of acid soils V Cucarella, T Zaleski, R Mazurek, G Renman Bioresource technology 99 (10), 4308-4314, 2008 | 48 | 2008 |
Assessment of the phytoremediation potential for Pb, Zn and Cu of indigenous plants growing in a gold mining area in Tanzania S Mkumbo, W Mwegoha, G Renman International Journal of Environmental Sciences 2 (4), 2425-2434, 2012 | 43 | 2012 |
Transformation and removal of nitrogen in reactive bed filter materials designed for on-site wastewater treatment A Renman, LD Hylander, G Renman Ecological Engineering 34 (3), 207-214, 2008 | 42 | 2008 |
Metal removal by bed filter materials used in domestic wastewater treatment A Renman, G Renman, JP Gustafsson, L Hylander Journal of Hazardous materials 166 (2-3), 734-739, 2009 | 38 | 2009 |
The study of water supply and traditional water purification knowledge in selected rural villages in Tanzania NJ Marobhe, G Renman, G Jacks Indigenous knowledge systems and sustainable development: relevance for …, 2007 | 37 | 2007 |