Twenty years after Hines, Hungerford, and Tomera: A new meta-analysis of psycho-social determinants of pro-environmental behaviour S Bamberg, G Möser Journal of environmental psychology 27 (1), 14-25, 2007 | 5264 | 2007 |
How does environmental concern influence specific environmentally related behaviors? A new answer to an old question S Bamberg Journal of environmental psychology 23 (1), 21-32, 2003 | 2191 | 2003 |
Choice of travel mode in the theory of planned behavior: The roles of past behavior, habit, and reasoned action S Bamberg, I Ajzen, P Schmidt Basic and applied social psychology 25 (3), 175-187, 2003 | 2141 | 2003 |
Incentives, morality, or habit? Predicting students’ car use for university routes with the models of Ajzen, Schwartz, and Triandis S Bamberg, P Schmidt Environment and behavior 35 (2), 264-285, 2003 | 1633 | 2003 |
Social context, personal norms and the use of public transportation: Two field studies S Bamberg, M Hunecke, A Blöbaum Journal of environmental psychology 27 (3), 190-203, 2007 | 1185 | 2007 |
Changing environmentally harmful behaviors: A stage model of self-regulated behavioral change S Bamberg Journal of Environmental Psychology 34, 151-159, 2013 | 586 | 2013 |
Behaviour theory and soft transport policy measures S Bamberg, S Fujii, M Friman, T Gärling Transport policy 18 (1), 228-235, 2011 | 583 | 2011 |
Is a residential relocation a good opportunity to change people’s travel behavior? Results from a theory-driven intervention study S Bamberg Environment and behavior 38 (6), 820-840, 2006 | 534 | 2006 |
Collective climate action: Determinants of participation intention in community-based pro-environmental initiatives S Bamberg, J Rees, S Seebauer Journal of Environmental Psychology 43, 155-165, 2015 | 470 | 2015 |
Does habitual car use not lead to more resistance to change of travel mode? S Bamberg, D Rölle, C Weber Transportation 30, 97-108, 2003 | 423 | 2003 |
The effectiveness of soft transport policy measures: A critical assessment and meta-analysis of empirical evidence G Möser, S Bamberg Journal of Environmental Psychology 28 (1), 10-26, 2008 | 357 | 2008 |
Guilty conscience: motivating pro-environmental behavior by inducing negative moral emotions JH Rees, S Klug, S Bamberg Climatic change 130, 439-452, 2015 | 339 | 2015 |
Life events as windows of opportunity for changing towards sustainable consumption patterns? Results from an intervention study M Schäfer, M Jaeger-Erben, S Bamberg Journal of Consumer Policy 35, 65-84, 2012 | 294 | 2012 |
Die Messung von Werten mit dem “Portraits Value Questionnaire” P Schmidt, S Bamberg, E Davidov, J Herrmann, SH Schwartz Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie 38 (4), 261-275, 2007 | 290 | 2007 |
Applying the stage model of self-regulated behavioral change in a car use reduction intervention S Bamberg Journal of Environmental Psychology 33, 68-75, 2013 | 277 | 2013 |
Theory‐Driven Subgroup‐Specific Evaluation of an Intervention to Reduce Private Car Use1 S Bamberg, P Schmidt Journal of Applied Social Psychology 31 (6), 1300-1329, 2001 | 260 | 2001 |
Effects of implementation intentions on the actual performance of new environmentally friendly behaviours—results of two field experiments S Bamberg Journal of environmental psychology 22 (4), 399-411, 2002 | 246 | 2002 |
Climate protection needs societal change: Determinants of intention to participate in collective climate action JH Rees, S Bamberg European Journal of Social Psychology 44 (5), 466-473, 2014 | 243 | 2014 |
Threat, coping and flood prevention–A meta-analysis S Bamberg, T Masson, K Brewitt, N Nemetschek Journal of Environmental Psychology 54, 116-126, 2017 | 195 | 2017 |
Determinants of low-carbon transport mode adoption: systematic review of reviews A Javaid, F Creutzig, S Bamberg Environmental Research Letters 15 (10), 103002, 2020 | 186 | 2020 |