Thomas Hrabik
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Integrated measures of anthropogenic stress in the US Great Lakes basin
NP Danz, GJ Niemi, RR Regal, T Hollenhorst, LB Johnson, ...
Environmental management 39, 631-647, 2007
Fish community and food web responses to a whole‐lake removal of coarse woody habitat
GG Sass, JF Kitchell, SR Carpenter, TR Hrabik, AE Marburg, MG Turner
Fisheries 31 (7), 321-330, 2006
Diel vertical migration in the Lake Superior pelagic community. I. Changes in vertical migration of coregonids in response to varying predation risk
TR Hrabik, OP Jensen, SJD Martell, CJ Walters, JF Kitchell
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63 (10), 2286-2295, 2006
Predicting mercury levels in yellow perch: use of water chemistry, trophic ecology, and spatial traits
BK Greenfield, TR Hrabik, CJ Harvey, SR Carpenter
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58 (7), 1419-1429, 2001
Stocking piscivores to improve fishing and water clarity: a synthesis of the Lake Mendota biomanipulation project
RC Lathrop, BM Johnson, TB Johnson, MT Vogelsang, SR Carpenter, ...
Freshwater Biology 47 (12), 2410-2424, 2002
Predicting the effects of rainbow smelt on native fishes in small lakes: evidence from long-term research on two lakes
TR Hrabik, JJ Magnuson, AS McLain
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55 (6), 1364-1371, 1998
A synthesis of cisco recovery in Lake Superior: implications for native fish rehabilitation in the Laurentian Great Lakes
JD Stockwell, MP Ebener, JA Black, OT Gorman, TR Hrabik, RE Kinnunen, ...
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29 (3), 626-652, 2009
Recent declines in mercury concentration in a freshwater fishery: isolating the effects of de-acidification and decreased atmospheric mercury deposition in Little Rock Lake
TR Hrabik, CJ Watras
Science of the Total Environment 297 (1-3), 229-237, 2002
Cyclic dynamics of a yellow perch (Perca flavescens) population in an oligotrophic lake: evidence for the role of intraspecific interactions
BL Sanderson, TR Hrabik, JJ Magnuson, DM Post
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56 (9), 1534-1542, 1999
Trophic connections in Lake Superior Part I: the offshore fish community
AE Gamble, TR Hrabik, JD Stockwell, DL Yule
Journal of Great Lakes Research 37 (3), 541-549, 2011
Diel vertical migration in the Lake Superior pelagic community. II. Modeling trade-offs at an intermediate trophic level
OP Jensen, TR Hrabik, SJD Martell, CJ Walters, JF Kitchell
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63 (10), 2296-2307, 2006
Diet and prey selection by Lake Superior lake trout during spring, 1986–2001
BA Ray, TR Hrabik, MP Ebener, OT Gorman, DR Schreiner, ST Schram, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 33 (1), 104-113, 2007
Depth gradients in food‐web processes linking habitats in large lakes: L ake S uperior as an exemplar ecosystem
ME Sierszen, TR Hrabik, JD Stockwell, AM Cotter, JC Hoffman, DL Yule
Freshwater Biology 59 (10), 2122-2136, 2014
Trophic connections in Lake Superior Part II: The nearshore fish community
AE Gamble, TR Hrabik, DL Yule, JD Stockwell
Journal of Great Lakes Research 37 (3), 550-560, 2011
Empirical evaluation of predator-driven diel vertical migration in Lake Superior
JD Stockwell, TR Hrabik, OP Jensen, DL Yule, M Balge
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67 (3), 473-485, 2010
Light intensity, prey detection and foraging mechanisms of age 0 year yellow perch
HE Richmond, TR Hrabik, AF Mensinger
Journal of Fish Biology 65 (1), 195-205, 2004
Seasonally Dynamic Diel Vertical Migrations of Mysis diluviana, Coregonine Fishes, and Siscowet Lake Trout in the Pelagia of Western Lake Superior
TD Ahrenstorff, TR Hrabik, JD Stockwell, DL Yule, GG Sass
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140 (6), 1504-1520, 2011
Forecasting the spread of invasive rainbow smelt in the Laurentian Great Lakes region of North America
Conservation Biology 20 (6), 1740-1749, 2006
Evaluating recreational fisheries for an endangered species: a case study of taimen, Hucho taimen, in Mongolia
OP Jensen, DJ Gilroy, Z Hogan, BC Allen, TR Hrabik, BC Weidel, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66 (10), 1707-1718, 2009
Habitat coupling in a large lake system: delivery of an energy subsidy by an offshore planktivore to the nearshore zone of L ake S uperior
JD Stockwell, DL Yule, TR Hrabik, ME Sierszen, EJ Isaac
Freshwater Biology 59 (6), 1197-1212, 2014
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