John R Giles
John R Giles
Research Scientist, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
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Global prevalence and burden of depressive and anxiety disorders in 204 countries and territories in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic
DF Santomauro, AMM Herrera, J Shadid, P Zheng, C Ashbaugh, ...
The Lancet 398 (10312), 1700-1712, 2021
Estimated global proportions of individuals with persistent fatigue, cognitive, and respiratory symptom clusters following symptomatic COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021
SW Hanson, C Abbafati, JG Aerts, Z Al-Aly, C Ashbaugh, T Ballouz, ...
Jama 328 (16), 1604-1615, 2022
Pandemic preparedness and COVID-19: an exploratory analysis of infection and fatality rates, and contextual factors associated with preparedness in 177 countries, from Jan 1 …
TJ Bollyky, EN Hulland, RM Barber, JK Collins, S Kiernan, M Moses, ...
The Lancet 399 (10334), 1489-1512, 2022
The use of mobile phone data to inform analysis of COVID-19 pandemic epidemiology
KH Grantz, HR Meredith, DAT Cummings, CJE Metcalf, BT Grenfell, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4961, 2020
Past SARS-CoV-2 infection protection against re-infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis
C Stein, H Nassereldine, RJD Sorensen, JO Amlag, C Bisignano, S Byrne, ...
The Lancet 401 (10379), 833-842, 2023
Estimating global, regional, and national daily and cumulative infections with SARS-CoV-2 through Nov 14, 2021: a statistical analysis
RM Barber, RJD Sorensen, DM Pigott, C Bisignano, A Carter, JO Amlag, ...
The Lancet 399 (10344), 2351-2380, 2022
Variation in the COVID-19 infection-fatality ratio by age, time, and geography during the pre-vaccine era: A systematic analysis
RJD Sorensen, RM Barber, DM Pigott, A Carter, CN Spencer, SM Ostroff, ...
The Lancet 399 (10334), 1469-1488, 2022
Pathogen spillover driven by rapid changes in bat ecology
P Eby, AJ Peel, A Hoegh, W Madden, JR Giles, PJ Hudson, RK Plowright
Nature 613 (7943), 340-344, 2023
Assessing COVID-19 pandemic policies and behaviours and their economic and educational trade-offs across US states from Jan 1, 2020, to July 31, 2022: an observational analysis
TJ Bollyky, E Castro, AY Aravkin, K Bhangdia, J Dalos, EN Hulland, ...
The Lancet 401 (10385), 1341-1360, 2023
Widespread movement of invasive cattle fever ticks (Rhipicephalus microplus) in southern Texas leads to shared local infestations on cattle and deer
JD Busch, NE Stone, R Nottingham, A Araya-Anchetta, J Lewis, ...
Parasites & Vectors 7, 1-16, 2014
Invasive potential of cattle fever ticks in the southern United States
JR Giles, AT Peterson, JD Busch, PU Olafson, GA Scoles, RB Davey, ...
Parasites & vectors 7, 1-11, 2014
A global systematic analysis of the occurrence, severity, and recovery pattern of long COVID in 2020 and 2021
SW Hanson, C Abbafati, JG Aerts, Z Al-Aly, C Ashbaugh, T Ballouz, ...
MedRxiv, 2022
Multiple mutations in the para-sodium channel gene are associated with pyrethroid resistance in Rhipicephalus microplus from the United States and Mexico
NE Stone, PU Olafson, RB Davey, G Buckmeier, D Bodine, ...
Parasites & vectors 7, 1-14, 2014
Synchronous shedding of multiple bat paramyxoviruses coincides with peak periods of Hendra virus spillover
AJ Peel, K Wells, J Giles, V Boyd, A Burroughs, D Edson, G Crameri, ...
Emerging microbes & infections 8 (1), 1314-1323, 2019
Conditions affecting the timing and magnitude of Hendra virus shedding across pteropodid bat populations in Australia
DJ Paez, J Giles, H McCallum, H Field, D Jordan, AJ Peel, RK Plowright
Epidemiology & Infection 145 (15), 3143-3153, 2017
Environmental drivers of spatiotemporal foraging intensity in fruit bats and implications for Hendra virus ecology
JR Giles, P Eby, H Parry, AJ Peel, RK Plowright, DA Westcott, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 9555, 2018
Hybridization in natural sympatric populations of Dermacentor ticks in northwestern North America
A Araya‐Anchetta, GA Scoles, J Giles, JD Busch, DM Wagner
Ecology and Evolution 3 (3), 714-724, 2013
Ecology and geography of plague transmission areas in northeastern Brazil
J Giles, AT Peterson, A Almeida
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 5 (1), e925, 2011
The duration of travel impacts the spatial dynamics of infectious diseases
JR Giles, E zu Erbach-Schoenberg, AJ Tatem, L Gardner, ON Bjørnstad, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (36), 22572-22579, 2020
Models of Eucalypt phenology predict bat population flux
JR Giles, RK Plowright, P Eby, AJ Peel, H McCallum
Ecology and Evolution 6 (20), 7230-7245, 2016
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