Richaurd Camp
Richaurd Camp
Professor of Management, Eastern Michigan University
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Dikutip oleh
Facilitating transfer of skills between group projects and work teams
DR Ettington, RR Camp
Journal of Management Education 26 (4), 356-379, 2002
Toward a more organizationally effective training strategy and practice
RR Camp, PN Blanchard, GE Huszczo
Strategic interviewing: How to hire good people
R Camp, M Vielhaber, JL Simonetti
John Wiley & Sons, 2002
The impact of supervisory support for high-performance human resource practices on employee in-role, extra-role and counterproductive behaviors
A Pandey, ER Schulz, RR Camp
Journal of Managerial Issues, 97-121, 2018
Is ambiguity tolerance malleable? Experimental evidence with potential implications for future research
ML Endres, R Camp, M Milner
Frontiers in psychology 6, 619, 2015
The impact of sports participation and gender on inferences drawn from resumes
DM Tanguay, RR Camp, ML Endres, E Torres
Journal of Managerial Issues, 191-206, 2012
Human resource professionals' perceptions of interviewer training
RR Camp, E Schulz, ME Vielhaber, F Wagner-Marsh
Journal of Managerial Issues, 250-268, 2011
Incremental effectiveness of two key IT recruitment methods
E Schulz, RR Camp, JL Waltman
Journal of Managerial Issues, 195-213, 2008
Applicant reactions to social media assessment: A review and conceptual framework
L Manroop, A Malik, R Camp, E Schulz
Human Resource Management Review 32 (3), 100853, 2022
Strateško vođenje intervjua: kako zaposliti dobre ljude
R Camp, ME Vielhaber, JL Simonetti, J Gojšić
Mate, 2007
Human resource professionals' perceptions of team interviews
R Camp, E Schulz, M Vielhaber, F Wagner‐Marsh
Journal of Managerial Psychology 19 (5), 490-505, 2004
Qu ‚persona para qu ‚puesto: el m ‚todo de la entrevista estrat ‚gica para seleccionar a los mejores
RR Camp, ME Vielhaber, JL Simoneti
Grupo Planeta (GBS), 2002
The impact of raters' level and type of sports experiences on inferences drawn from resumes
RR Camp, DM Tanguay, ML Endres, EM Torres
Journal of Managerial Issues, 388-407, 2014
Strategiczne rozmowy kwalifikacyjne: jak zatrudniać dobrych pracowników
RR Camp, ME Vielhaber, JL Simonetti
Wolters Kluwer Polska, 2006
Training practitioner perceptions of the research agenda needed to improve training
RR Camp, DT Hoyer, VB Laetz, ME Vidhaber
Human Resource Development Quarterly 2 (1), 65-73, 1991
A fly in the soup? The role of ambiguity in student assessment
ML Endres, M Milner, RR Camp
The International Journal of Management Education 20 (3), 100679, 2022
Broken Promises: Supervisors and High Performing Work Practices.
ER Schulz, A Pandey, RR Camp
Journal of Managerial Issues 32 (3), 2020
Resume assessors' experiences, attitudes toward job context, and corresponding evaluations and associated confidence
RR Camp, D Tanguay, M Endres, KN Kaldahl
Journal of Managerial Issues, 409-429, 2019
Educational implications of a review of international components in human resource management texts
D Tanguay Hoyer, RR Camp
Journal of Teaching in International Business 1 (3-4), 53-69, 1990
Towards a more organizationally effective training strategy and practices
P Blanchard, G Huszco, R Camp
Upper Saddle River, 1986
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