Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Maximilian J. GrillPelajari lebih lanjut
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 6
A computational framework for modeling cell–matrix interactions in soft biological tissues
JF Eichinger, MJ Grill, ID Kermani, RC Aydin, WA Wall, JD Humphrey, ...
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 20 (5), 1851-1870, 2021
Mandat: German Research Foundation, Helmholtz Association
Repulsive backbone–backbone interactions modulate access to specific and unspecific binding sites on Surface-Bound mucins
TM Lutz, M Marczynski, MJ Grill, WA Wall, O Lieleg
Langmuir 36 (43), 12973-12982, 2020
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Topological defects produce kinks in biopolymer filament bundles
VM Slepukhin, MJ Grill, Q Hu, EL Botvinick, WA Wall, AJ Levine
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (15), e2024362118, 2021
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Directed force propagation in semiflexible networks
MJ Grill, J Kernes, VM Slepukhin, WA Wall, AJ Levine
Soft Matter 17 (45), 10223-10241, 2021
Mandat: US National Science Foundation
Conformation of a semiflexible filament in a quenched random potential
VM Slepukhin, MJ Grill, KW Müller, WA Wall, AJ Levine
Physical Review E 99 (4), 042501, 2019
Mandat: US National Science Foundation
The conformation of a semiflexible filament in a random potential
VM Slepukhin, MJ Grill, KW Muller, WA Wall, AJ Levine
Physical review and Physical review letters index 99, 2019
Mandat: US National Science Foundation
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