Effects of porosity and clay content on wave velocities in sandstones D Han, A Nur, D Morgan Geophysics 51 (11), 2093-2107, 1986 | 1716 | 1986 |
An exact effective stress law for elastic deformation of rock with fluids A Nur, JD Byerlee Journal of geophysical research 76 (26), 6414-6419, 1971 | 1272 | 1971 |
Elasticity of high-porosity sandstones: Theory for two North Sea data sets J Dvorkin, A Nur Geophysics 61 (5), 1363-1370, 1996 | 1113 | 1996 |
Dynamic poroelasticity: A unified model with the squirt and the Biot mechanisms J Dvorkin, A Nur Geophysics 58 (4), 524-533, 1993 | 942 | 1993 |
The effect of saturation on velocity in low porosity rocks A Nur, G Simmons Earth and planetary science letters 7 (2), 183-193, 1969 | 843 | 1969 |
Second generation bioethanol production: A critical review HB Aditiya, TMI Mahlia, WT Chong, H Nur, AH Sebayang Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 66, 631-653, 2016 | 827 | 2016 |
Evolution of pull‐apart basins and their scale independence A Aydin, A Nur Tectonics 1 (1), 91-105, 1982 | 818 | 1982 |
Ultrasonic velocity and anisotropy of hydrocarbon source rocks L Vernik, A Nur Geophysics 57 (5), 727-735, 1992 | 799 | 1992 |
Elastic‐wave velocity in marine sediments with gas hydrates: Effective medium modeling MB Helgerud, J Dvorkin, A Nur, A Sakai, T Collett Geophysical research letters 26 (13), 2021-2024, 1999 | 793 | 1999 |
Zinc oxide nanorod based photonic devices: recent progress in growth, light emitting diodesand lasers M Willander, O Nur, QX Zhao, LL Yang, M Lorenz, BQ Cao, JZ Pérez, ... Nanotechnology 20 (33), 332001, 2009 | 772 | 2009 |
Dilatancy, pore fluids, and premonitory variations of ts/tp travel times A Nur Bulletin of the Seismological society of America 62 (5), 1217-1222, 1972 | 757 | 1972 |
Critical porosity: A key to relating physical properties to porosity in rocks A Nur, G Mavko, J Dvorkin, D Galmudi The Leading Edge 17 (3), 357-362, 1998 | 754 | 1998 |
Stress‐induced velocity anisotropy in rock: An experimental study A Nur, G Simmons Journal of Geophysical Research 74 (27), 6667-6674, 1969 | 734 | 1969 |
Aftershocks caused by pore fluid flow? A Nur, JR Booker Science 175 (4024), 885-887, 1972 | 718 | 1972 |
New materials for micro-scale sensors and actuators: An engineering review SA Wilson, RPJ Jourdain, Q Zhang, RA Dorey, CR Bowen, M Willander, ... Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 56 (1-6), 1-129, 2007 | 679 | 2007 |
Seismic attenuation: Effects of pore fluids and frictional-sliding KW Winkler, A Nur Geophysics 47 (1), 1-15, 1982 | 668 | 1982 |
Wave attenuation in partially saturated rocks GM Mavko, A Nur Geophysics 44 (2), 161-178, 1979 | 661 | 1979 |
The relationship of the local food environment with obesity: a systematic review of methods, study quality, and results LK Cobb, LJ Appel, M Franco, JC Jones‐Smith, A Nur, CAM Anderson Obesity 23 (7), 1331-1344, 2015 | 618 | 2015 |
Melt squirt in the asthenosphere G Mavko, A Nur Journal of Geophysical Research 80 (11), 1444-1448, 1975 | 596 | 1975 |
Squirt flow in fully saturated rocks J Dvorkin, G Mavko, A Nur Geophysics 60 (1), 97-107, 1995 | 569 | 1995 |