Yang Chen
Dikutip oleh
Dikutip oleh
Olfactory display: development and application in virtual reality therapy
Y Chen
16th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence …, 2006
Streamit: Dynamic visualization and interactive exploration of text streams
J Alsakran, Y Chen, Y Zhao, J Yang, D Luo
2011 IEEE pacific visualization symposium, 131-138, 2011
Click2annotate: Automated insight externalization with rich semantics
Y Chen, S Barlowe, J Yang
2010 IEEE symposium on visual analytics science and technology, 155-162, 2010
Toward effective insight management in visual analytics systems
Y Chen, J Yang, W Ribarsky
2009 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, 49-56, 2009
Interactive correction of mislabeled training data
S Xiang, X Ye, J Xia, J Wu, Y Chen, S Liu
2019 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 57-68, 2019
Tracking and connecting topics via incremental hierarchical dirichlet processes
ZJ Gao, Y Song, S Liu, H Wang, H Wei, Y Chen, W Cui
2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on Data Mining, 1056-1061, 2011
How ideas flow across multiple social groups
X Wang, S Liu, Y Chen, TQ Peng, J Su, J Yang, B Guo
2016 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 51-60, 2016
Real-time visualization of streaming text with a force-based dynamic system
J Alsakran, Y Chen, D Luo, Y Zhao, J Yang, W Dou, S Liu
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 32 (1), 34-45, 2011
Supporting effective common ground construction in asynchronous collaborative visual analytics
Y Chen, J Alsakran, S Barlowe, J Yang, Y Zhao
2011 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 101-110, 2011
Exploring topical lead-lag across corpora
S Liu, Y Chen, H Wei, J Yang, K Zhou, SM Drucker
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 27 (1), 115-129, 2014
Visualizing large time-series data on very small screens
Y Chen
Proceedings of the eurographics/ieee vgtc conference on visualization: Short …, 2017
I‐SI: Scalable Architecture for Analyzing Latent Topical‐Level Information From Social Media Data
X Wang, W Dou, Z Ma, J Villalobos, Y Chen, T Kraft, W Ribarsky
Computer Graphics Forum 31 (3pt4), 1275-1284, 2012
Touch2Annotate: Generating better annotations with less human effort on multi-touch interfaces
Y Chen, J Yang, S Barlowe, DH Jeong
CHI'10 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 3703-3708, 2010
Tagnet: Toward tag-based sentiment analysis of large social media data
Y Chen
2018 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 190-194, 2018
SMAP: A joint dimensionality reduction scheme for secure multi-party visualization
J Xia, T Chen, L Zhang, W Chen, Y Chen, X Zhang, C Xie, T Schreck
2020 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 107-118, 2020
巫英才, 崔为炜, 宋阳秋, 陈杨, 刘世霞
计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 24 (10), 1266-1272, 2012
ManyInsights: A visual analytics approach to supporting effective insight management
Y Chen, J Yang
Tsinghua Science and Technology 18 (2), 171-181, 2013
王世东, 陈杨, 张本福, 孙光灵, 黄晓梅
安徽建筑工业学院学报: 自然科学版 14 (6), 96-98, 2006
A design of virtual reality based coma stimulation program system
Y Chen, N Peng
2006 7th International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design and …, 2006
Visual analysis of multivariate time series of static and mobile sensors
Y Hu, Q Ma, Y Chen, H Chen, W Jin, F Ye
2019 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 118-119, 2019
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