Francesco Delli Priscoli
Francesco Delli Priscoli
Professore Ordinario presso Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
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Output regulation of nonlinear systems
CI Byrnes, FD Priscoli, A Isidori, CI Byrnes, FD Priscoli, A Isidori
Output Regulation of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems, 27-56, 1997
Structurally stable output regulation of nonlinear systems
CI Byrnes, FD Priscoli, A Isidori, W Kang
Automatica 33 (3), 369-385, 1997
The role of satellites in personal communication services
F Ananasso, FD Priscoli
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 13 (2), 180-196, 1995
The geometric dynamic channel allocation as a practical strategy in mobile networks with bursty user mobility
A Baiocchi, FD Priscoli, F Grilli, F Sestini
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 44 (1), 14-23, 1995
A new approach to adaptive nonlinear regulation
FD Priscoli, L Marconi, A Isidori
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 45 (3), 829-855, 2006
Model predictive control of energy storage systems for power tracking and shaving in distribution grids
A Di Giorgio, F Liberati, A Lanna, A Pietrabissa, FD Priscoli
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 8 (2), 496-504, 2016
Enhancing IP service provision over heterogeneous wireless networks: a path toward 4G
L Becchetti, FD Priscoli, T Inzerilli, P Mahonen, L Munoz
IEEE Communications Magazine 39 (8), 74-81, 2001
Application of dynamic channel allocation strategies to the GSM cellular network
FD Priscoli, NP Magnani, V Palestini, F Sestini
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 15 (8), 1558-1567, 1997
Robust tracking for polynomial plants
Proc. of the European Control Conference, 369-373, 1993
Design of a bandwidth-on-demand (BoD) protocol for satellite networks modelled as time-delay systems
FD Priscoli, A Pietrabissa
Automatica 40 (5), 729-741, 2004
Leader-following coordination of nonlinear agents under time-varying communication topologies
FD Priscoli, A Isidori, L Marconi, A Pietrabissa
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 2 (4), 393-405, 2015
Effects of imperfect power control and user mobility on a CDMA cellular network
FD Priscoli, F Sestini
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 14 (9), 1809-1817, 1996
A cognitive future internet architecture
M Castrucci, F Delli Priscoli, A Pietrabissa, V Suraci
The Future Internet Assembly, 91-102, 2011
Output regulation with nonlinear internal models
FD Priscoli
Systems & Control Letters 53 (3-4), 177-185, 2004
Resource management for ATM-based geostationary satellite networks with on-board processing
FD Priscoli, A Pietrabissa
Computer Networks 39 (1), 43-60, 2002
Improving resilience of interdependent critical infrastructures via an on-line alerting system
P Capodieci, S Diblasi, E Ciancamerla, M Minichino, C Foglietta, ...
2010 Complexity in Engineering, 88-90, 2010
A novel MAC and scheduling strategy to guarantee QoS for-the new-generation WIND-FLEX wireless LAN
R Cusani, FD Priscoli, G Ferrari, M Torregiani
IEEE wireless communications 9 (3), 46, 2002
Key concepts for the Future Internet architecture
M Castrucci, M Cecchi, FD Priscoli, L Fogliati, P Garino, V Suraci
2011 Future Network & Mobile Summit, 1-10, 2011
Adaptive observers as nonlinear internal models
FD Priscoli, L Marconi, A Isidori
Systems & Control Letters 55 (8), 640-649, 2006
Fixed and adaptive blocking thresholds in CDMA cellular networks
FD Priscoli, F Sestini
IEEE Personal Communications 5 (2), 56-63, 1998
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