Timothy Werner
Timothy Werner
Professor of Business, Government & Society, University of Texas at Austin
Email yang diverifikasi di mccombs.utexas.edu
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Blacklisted businesses: Social activist challenges and the disruption of corporate political activity
MH McDonnell, T Werner
Administrative Science Quarterly 61 (4), 584-620, 2016
Gaining Access by Doing Good: The Effect of Sociopolitical Reputation on Firm Participation in Public Policymaking
T Werner
Management Science 61 (8), 1989-2011, 2015
Investor Reaction to Covert Corporate Political Activity
T Werner
Strategic Management Journal 38 (12), 2424-2443, 2017
Public Forces and Private Politics in American Big Business
T Werner
Cambridge University Press, 2012
Do Public Funding Programs Enhance Electoral Competition?
KR Mayer, T Werner, A Williams
Brookings Institution Press, 2006
Citizens United, Independent Expenditures, and Agency Costs: Reexamining the Political Economy of State Antitakeover Statutes
T Werner, JJ Coleman
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 31 (1), 127-159, 2015
Public Election Funding, Competition, and Candidate Gender
T Werner, KR Mayer
PS: Political Science and Politics 40 (4), 661-667, 2007
The sound, the fury, and the nonevent: Business power and market reactions to the Citizens United decision
T Werner
American Politics Research 39 (1), 118-141, 2011
Firm Partisan Positioning, Polarization, and Risk Communication: Examining Voluntary Disclosures on COVID-19
R Benton, JA Cobb, T Werner
Strategic Management Journal 43 (4), 697-723, 2022
Campaign contributions from corporate executives in lieu of political action committees
BK Richter, T Werner
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 33 (3), 443-474, 2017
Corporate lobbying and CEO pay
HA Skaife, D Veenman, T Werner
Available at SSRN 2340501, 2013
Changes in Firms’ Political Investment Opportunities, Managerial Accountability, and Reputational Risk
HA Skaife, T Werner
Journal of Business Ethics 163 (2), 239-263, 2020
Theoretical light in empirical darkness: Illuminating strategic concealment of corporate political activity
N Jia, S Markus, T Werner
Academy of Management Review 48 (2), 264-291, 2023
Reexamining Investor Reaction to Covert Corporate Political Activity: A Replication and Extension of Werner (2017)
I Minefee, MH McDonnell, T Werner
Strategic Management Journal 42 (6), 1139-1158, 2021
Corporate Political Power: The Politics of Reputation & Traceability
A Shanor, MH McDonnell, T Werner
Emory Law Journal 71 (2), 153–216, 2021
The Evolving Political Marketplace: Revisiting 60 Years of Theoretical Dominance Through a Review of Corporate Political Activity Scholarship in Business & Society and Major …
C Green, T Werner, R Marens, D Schuler, S Lenway
Divided but Strong: Business Representation in Washington, D.C.
T Werner, GK Wilson
Oxford Handbook of Business and Government, 261-284, 2010
The management of socio‐political issues and environments: Toward a research agenda for corporate socio‐political engagement
P Sun, J Doh, T Rajwani, T Werner, XR Luo
Journal of Management Studies 61 (2), 277-306, 2024
Congressmen of the Silent South: The Persistence of Southern Racial Liberals, 1949–1964
T Werner
The Journal of Politics 71 (1), 70-81, 2009
Electoral Transitions in Connecticut: The Implementation of Clean Elections in 2008
KR Mayer, T Werner
APSA 2007 Annual Meeting Paper, 2007
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