余永廷 yongting Yu
余永廷 yongting Yu
中国农业科学院麻类研究所 institute of bast fiber crops
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Postoperative efficacy, predictability, safety, and visual quality of laser corneal refractive surgery: a network meta-analysis
D Wen, C McAlinden, I Flitcroft, R Tu, Q Wang, J Alió, J Marshall, Y Huang, ...
American journal of ophthalmology 178, 65-78, 2017
Multilayer transfer printing for pixelated, multicolor quantum dot light-emitting diodes
BH Kim, S Nam, N Oh, SY Cho, KJ Yu, CH Lee, J Zhang, K Deshpande, ...
ACS nano 10 (5), 4920-4925, 2016
TaNAC8, a novel NAC transcription factor gene in wheat, responds to stripe rust pathogen infection and abiotic stresses
N Xia, G Zhang, YF Sun, L Zhu, LS Xu, XM Chen, B Liu, YT Yu, XJ Wang, ...
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 74 (5-6), 394-402, 2010
Porous hollow fiber nickel electrodes for effective supply and reduction of carbon dioxide to methane through microbial electrosynthesis
MF Alqahtani, KP Katuri, S Bajracharya, Y Yu, Z Lai, PE Saikaly
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (43), 1804860, 2018
Effectiveness and safety of transcranial direct current stimulation in fibromyalgia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
CE Zhu, YU Bo, W Zhang, C Wen-Hua, Q Qi, M Yun
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (Stiftelsen Rehabiliteringsinformation …, 2017
De novo assembly and characterization of transcriptome using Illumina paired-end sequencing and identification of CesA gene in ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud)
T Liu, S Zhu, Q Tang, P Chen, Y Yu, S Tang
BMC genomics 14, 1-11, 2013
Peptide profiling and the bioactivity character of yogurt in the simulated gastrointestinal digestion
Y Jin, Y Yu, Y Qi, F Wang, J Yan, H Zou
Journal of Proteomics 141, 24-46, 2016
One-step “click” method for generating vinyl sulfone groups on hydroxyl-containing water-soluble polymers
Y Yu, Y Chau
Biomacromolecules 13 (3), 937-942, 2012
Gankyrin facilitates follicle-stimulating hormone-driven ovarian cancer cell proliferation through the PI3K/AKT/HIF-1α/cyclin D1 pathway
J Chen, M Bai, C Ning, B Xie, J Zhang, H Liao, J Xiong, X Tao, D Yan, X Xi, ...
Oncogene 35 (19), 2506-2517, 2016
Characteristics of aerosol size distributions and chemical compositions during wintertime pollution episodes in Beijing
Z Liu, B Hu, J Zhang, Y Yu, Y Wang
Atmospheric Research 168, 1-12, 2016
Liquid Metal Angiography for Mega Contrast X-Ray Visualization of Vascular Network in Reconstructing In-Vitro Organ Anatomy
Q Wang, Y Yu, K Pan, J Liu
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 61 (7), 2161-2166, 2014
miR-181a-5p promotes the progression of gastric cancer via RASSF6-mediated MAPK signalling activation
Y Mi, D Zhang, W Jiang, J Weng, C Zhou, K Huang, H Tang, Y Yu, X Liu, ...
Cancer letters 389, 11-22, 2017
Clinical advantages and limitations of monolithic zirconia restorations full arch implant supported reconstruction: case series
J Carames, L Tovar Suinaga, YCP Yu, A Pérez, M Kang
International journal of dentistry 2015 (1), 392496, 2015
Back-stepping control of two-link flexible manipulator based on an extended state observer
H Yang, Y Yu, Y Yuan, X Fan
Advances in space research 56 (10), 2312-2322, 2015
Mediator roles of interpersonal forgiveness and self-forgiveness between self-esteem and subjective well-being
S Yao, J Chen, X Yu, J Sang
Current Psychology 36, 585-592, 2017
Abscisic acid antagonizes ethylene production through the ABI4-mediated transcriptional repression of ACS4 and ACS8 in Arabidopsis
Z Dong, Y Yu, S Li, J Wang, S Tang, R Huang
Molecular plant 9 (1), 126-135, 2016
Channelless Fabrication for Large‐S cale Preparation of Room Temperature Liquid Metal Droplets
Y Yu, Q Wang, L Yi, J Liu
Advanced Engineering Materials 16 (2), 255-262, 2014
Bathymetry retrieval from hyperspectral remote sensing data in optical-shallow water
S Ma, Z Tao, X Yang, Y Yu, X Zhou, Z Li
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52 (2), 1205-1212, 2013
Factors associated with food insecurity among older homeless adults: results from the HOPE HOME study
M Tong, L Tieu, CT Lee, C Ponath, D Guzman, M Kushel
Journal of public health 41 (2), 240-249, 2019
View synthesis mode for three-dimensional video coding
Y Chen, L Zhang, M Karczewicz
US Patent 9,503,702, 2016
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