Regional analysis of time-fractional diffusion processes F Ge, YQ Chen, C Kou
Springer International Publishing, 2018
82 2018 Stability analysis by Krasnoselskii’s fixed point theorem for nonlinear fractional differential equations F Ge, C Kou
Applied Mathematics and Computation 257, 308-316, 2015
74 2015 Approximate controllability of semilinear evolution equations of fractional order with nonlocal and impulsive conditions via an approximating technique FD Ge, HC Zhou, CH Kou
Applied Mathematics and Computation 275, 107-120, 2016
68 2016 Boundary feedback stabilisation for the time fractional‐order anomalous diffusion system F Ge, YQ Chen, C Kou
IET Control Theory & Applications 10 (11), 1250-1257, 2016
58 2016 Mittag-Leffler convergent backstepping observers for coupled semilinear subdiffusion systems with spatially varying parameters F Ge, T Meurer, YQ Chen
Systems & Control Letters 122, 86-92, 2018
41 2018 Regional controllability analysis of fractional diffusion equations with Riemann–Liouville time fractional derivatives F Ge, YQ Chen, C Kou
Automatica 76, 193-199, 2017
41 2017 Event-triggered boundary feedback control for networked reaction-subdiffusion processes with input uncertainties F Ge, YQ Chen
Information Sciences 476, 239-255, 2019
39 2019 On the regional gradient observability of time fractional diffusion processes F Ge, YQ Chen, C Kou
Automatica 74, 1-9, 2016
37 2016 Cyber-physical systems as general distributed parameter systems: three types of fractional order models and emerging research opportunities F Ge, YQ Chen, C Kou
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 2 (4), 353-357, 2015
36 2015 Observer-based event-triggered control for semilinear time-fractional diffusion systems with distributed feedback F Ge, YQ Chen
Nonlinear Dynamics 99 (2), 1089-1101, 2020
31 2020 On the regional controllability of the sub-diffusion process with Caputo fractional derivative F Ge, YQ Chen, C Kou, I Podlubny
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 19 (5), 1262-1281, 2016
30 2016 Actuator characterisations to achieve approximate controllability for a class of fractional sub-diffusion equations F Ge, YQ Chen, C Kou
International Journal of Control 90 (6), 1212-1220, 2017
26 2017 Asymptotic stability of solutions of nonlinear fractional differential equations of order 1< α< 2 F Ge, C Kou
Journal of Shanghai Normal University 44 (3), 284-290, 2015
26 2015 Regional output feedback stabilization of semilinear time-fractional diffusion systems in a parallelepipedon with control constraints F Ge, YQ Chen
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 30, 3639–3652, 2020
23 2020 Regional gradient controllability of sub-diffusion processes F Ge, YQ Chen, C Kou
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 440 (2), 865-884, 2016
23 2016 Optimal vaccination and treatment policies for regional approximate controllability of the time-fractional reaction–diffusion SIR epidemic systems F Ge, YQ Chen
ISA Transactions 115, 143-152, 2021
20 2021 Existence of solutions for fractional differential equations with three-point boundary conditions at resonance in FD Ge, HC Zhou
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 2014 (68 …, 2014
17 2014 Existence of solutions for a coupled fractional differential equations with infinitely many points boundary conditions at resonance on an unbounded domain FD Ge, HC Zhou, CH Kou
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 27, 395-411, 2019
14 2019 Regional boundary controllability of time fractional diffusion processes F Ge, YQ Chen, C Kou
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 34 (3), 871-888, 2017
14 2017 Existence of solutions to fractional differential equations with multi-point boundary conditions at resonance in Hilbert spaces HC Zhou, FD Ge, CH Kou
Texas State University, Department of Mathematics, 2016
14 2016