Wolf Langewitz
Wolf Langewitz
Professor Psychosomatik, Universitätsspital Basel
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The utility of low frequency heart rate variability as an index of sympathetic cardiac tone: a review with emphasis on a reanalysis of previous studies
GA Reyes del Paso, W Langewitz, LJM Mulder, A Van Roon, S Duschek
Psychophysiology 50 (5), 477-487, 2013
Assessment of baroreceptor reflex sensitivity by means of spectral analysis.
HW Robbe, LJ Mulder, H Rüddel, WA Langewitz, JB Veldman, G Mulder
Hypertension 10 (5), 538-543, 1987
Spontaneous talking time at start of consultation in outpatient clinic: cohort study
W Langewitz, M Denz, A Keller, A Kiss, S Rütimann, B Wössmer
Bmj 325 (7366), 682-683, 2002
Coronary artery disease and depression
MJ Zellweger, RH Osterwalder, W Langewitz, ME Pfisterer
European heart journal 25 (1), 3-9, 2004
Coding patient emotional cues and concerns in medical consultations: the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences (VR-CoDES)
C Zimmermann, L Del Piccolo, J Bensing, S Bergvik, H De Haes, H Eide, ...
Patient education and counseling 82 (2), 141-148, 2011
Reduced parasympathetic cardiac control in patients with hypertension at rest and under mental stress
W Langewitz, H Rüddel, H Schächinger
American heart journal 127 (1), 122-128, 1994
Improving communication skills-a randomized controlled behaviorally oriented intervention study for residents in internal medicine
WA Langewitz, P Eich, A Kiss, B Wossmer
Biopsychosocial Science and Medicine 60 (3), 268-276, 1998
Development of the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences to code health providers’ responses (VR-CoDES-P) to patient cues and concerns
L Del Piccolo, H De Haes, C Heaven, J Jansen, W Verheul, J Bensing, ...
Patient education and counseling 82 (2), 149-155, 2011
Cardiovascular indices of peripheral and central sympathetic activation
H Schächinger, M Weinbacher, A Kiss, R Ritz, W Langewitz
Psychosomatic medicine 63 (5), 788-796, 2001
Communication during ward rounds in Internal Medicine: An analysis of patient–nurse–physician interactions using RIAS
H Weber, M Stöckli, M Nübling, WA Langewitz
Patient education and counseling 67 (3), 343-348, 2007
Recipients' perspective on breaking bad news: how you put it really makes a difference.
A Kindlimann, W Langewitz
Patient Education and Counseling 58 (3), 244-251, 2005
Recipients’ perspective on breaking bad news: How you put it really makes a difference
MS Mast, A Kindlimann, W Langewitz
Patient education and counseling 58 (3), 244-251, 2005
Communication and social competencies in medical education in German-speaking countries: The Basel Consensus Statement.: Results of a Delphi Survey
C Kiessling, A Dieterich, G Fabry, H Hölzer, W Langewitz, I Mühlinghaus, ...
Patient education and counseling 81 (2), 259-266, 2010
Improving patient-centered communication: results of a randomized controlled trial
B Maatouk-Bürmann, N Ringel, J Spang, C Weiss, A Möltner, U Riemann, ...
Patient education and counseling 99 (1), 117-124, 2016
A quantitative analysis of anaesthetist–patient communication during the pre‐operative visit
CH Kindler, L Szirt, D Sommer, R Häusler, W Langewitz
Anaesthesia 60 (1), 53-59, 2005
The role of the health care interpreter in a clinical setting—A narrative review
M Sleptsova, G Hofer, N Morina, W Langewitz
Journal of Community Health Nursing 31 (3), 167-184, 2014
Basler Consensus Statement" Kommunikative und soziale Kompetenzen im Medizinstudium": Ein Positionspapier des GMA-Ausschusses Kommunikative und soziale Kompetenzen
C Kiessling, A Dieterich, G Fabry, H Hölzer, W Langewitz, I Mühlinghaus, ...
GMS Z Med Ausbild 25 (2), 2008-25, 2008
Sympathetic overactivity in subjects complaining of unexplained fatigue
M Pagani, D Lucini, GS Mela, W Langewitz, A Malliani
Clinical Science 87 (6), 655-661, 1994
A between-subjects comparison of respiratory sinus arrhythmia and baroreceptor cardiac reflex sensitivity as non-invasive measures of tonic parasympathetic cardiac control
GAR del Paso, W Langewitz, H Robles, N Pérez
International Journal of Psychophysiology 22 (3), 163-171, 1996
Swiss Cancer League communication skills training programme for oncology nurses: an evaluation
W Langewitz, L Heydrich, M Nübling, L Szirt, H Weber, P Grossman
Journal of advanced nursing 66 (10), 2266-2277, 2010
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