Kamal Tyagi, Ph.D
Kamal Tyagi, Ph.D
Cornell University, UC Davis, University of Hyderabad
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Next‐generation sequencing (NGS)‐based identification of induced mutations in a doubly mutagenized tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) population
P Gupta, B Reddaiah, H Salava, P Upadhyaya, K Tyagi, S Sarma, S Datta, ...
The Plant Journal 92 (3), 495-508, 2017
Tomato fruits show wide phenomic diversity but fruit developmental genes show low genomic diversity
V Mohan, S Gupta, S Thomas, V Singh, K Tyagi, S Sarma, SK Gupta, ...
PLoS One 11 (4), e0152907, 2016
Cytokinin but not gibberellin application had major impact on the phenylpropanoid pathway in grape
K Tyagi, I Maoz, B Kochanek, N Sela, L Lerno, S Ebeler, A Lichter
Horticulture Research 8 (51), 2021
High performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry for profiling and quantitative analysis of folate monoglutamates in tomato
K Tyagi, P Upadhyaya, S Sarma, V Tamboli, Y Sreelakshmi, R Sharma
Food Chemistry 179, 76-84, 2015
Natural variation in folate levels among tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) accessions
P Upadhyaya, K Tyagi, S Sarma, V Tamboli, Y Sreelakshmi, R Sharma
Food Chemistry 217, 610-619, 2017
Girdling of table grapes at fruit set can divert the phenylpropanoid pathway towards accumulation of proanthocyanidins and change the volatile composition
K Tyagi, I Maoz, E Lewinsohn, L Lerno, SE Ebeler, A Lichter
Plant Science 296, 110495, 2020
Effects of gibberellin and cytokinin on phenolic and volatile composition of Sangiovese grapes
K Tyagi, I Maoz, O Lapidot, ...
Scientia Horticulturae 295, 110860, 2022
Enhancement of table grape flavor by postharvest application of monoterpenes in modified atmosphere
K Tyagi, I Maoz, Y Vinokur, V Rodov, E Lewinsohn, A Lichter
Postharvest Biology and Technology 159, 111018, 2020
Plant Phenolics: Their Biosynthesis, Regulation, Evolutionary Significance, and Role in Senescence
K Tyagi, P Shukla, GK Rohela, AA Shabnam, R Gautam
Plant Phenolics in Sustainable Agriculture 1, 431-449, 2020
The new kid on the block: a dominant-negative mutation of phototropin1 enhances carotenoid content in tomato fruits
HV Kilambi1, A Dindu, K Sharma, NR Nizampatnam2$, K Tyagi3#, ...
The Plant Journal, 2021
A Field Collection of Indigenous Grapevines as a Valuable Repository for Applied Research
S Shecori, MM Kher, K Tyagi, L Lerno, Y Netzer, A Lichter, SE Ebeler, ...
Plants 11 (19), 2563, 2022
Seeing the unseen: A trifoliate (MYB117) mutant allele fortifies folate and carotenoids in tomato fruits
K Tyagi, A Sunkum, M Rai, S Sarma, Y Sreelakshmi, R Sharma
The Plant Journal 112 (https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.15925), 38-54, 2022
Extraction and Analysis of Phenolic Compounds from Grape Berries
K Tyagi, L Lerno, MD Rosso, I Maoz, A Lichter, SE Ebeler, R Flamini
Plant Secondary Metabolism Engineering. Methods in Molecular Biology; https …, 2022
The volatilome response of fast-melting peaches to short low oxygen stress
M Itay, Y Akhilesh, K Bettina, K Tyagi, C Daniel, P Edna, L Susan, F Haya, ...
Postharvest Biology and Technology 196 (112186), 2023
Reduced γ-glutamyl hydrolase activity likely contributes to high folate levels in Periyakulam-1 tomato
K Tyagi, S Anusha, G Prateek, HV Kilambi, S Yellamaraju, R Sharma
Horticulture Research, 2023
Mismatch cleavage by CEL I endonuclease: A tool for rapid detection of homozygous and heterozygous mutants
S Sharma, K Tyagi, M Narasu, Y Sreelakshmi, R Sharma
The IUP Journal of Genetics & Evolution 4 (2), 2011
Folin-Ciocâlteu, RP-HPLC (reverse phase-high performance liquid chromatography), and LC-MS (liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry) provide complementary information for …
K Tyagi, ACW Lui, Z Sheng, P GM
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 137, 106844, 2024
Secondary metabolites and plant abiotic stress responses
HV Kilambi, S Yadav, D Yadav, K Tyagi
Molecular Response and Genetic Engineering for Stress in Plants 1, DOI: 10 …, 2022
Reduced Crop Load Enhances Total Polyphenol Content to Improve Cider Apple Quality
SK Kumar
2022 ASHS Annual Conference, 2022
The impacts of girdling on flavor components in grapes
S Lichter, A., Tyagi, K., Maoz, I., Carmeli-Weisberg, M., Shaya, F., Teitel ...
Hanotea 74, 46-50, 2020
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