Roger Jones
Roger Jones
Adjunct Professor in Plant Virology, Institute of Agriculture, University of Western Australia
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Global status of tospovirus epidemics in diverse cropping systems: successes achieved and challenges ahead
HR Pappu, RAC Jones, RK Jain
Virus research 141 (2), 219-236, 2009
Climate Change and Agriculture in the United States: Effects and Adaptation.
CL Walthall, J Hatfield, P Backlund, L Lengnick, E Marshall, M Walsh, ...
Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Reports 1, 2013
Plant virus emergence and evolution: origins, new encounter scenarios, factors driving emergence, effects of changing world conditions, and prospects for control
RAC Jones
Virus research 141 (2), 113-130, 2009
Discussion paper: The naming of Potato virus Y strains infecting potato
RP Singh, JPT Valkonen, SM Gray, N Boonham, RAC Jones, C Kerlan, ...
Archives of virology 153, 1-13, 2008
Global plant virus disease pandemics and epidemics
RAC Jones
Plants 10 (2), 233, 2021
Global dimensions of plant virus diseases: current status and future perspectives
RAC Jones, RA Naidu
Annual review of virology 6 (1), 387-409, 2019
Strain group specific and virus specific hypersensitive reactions to infection with potyviruses in potato cultivars
RAC Jones
Annals of Applied Biology 117 (1), 93-105, 1990
Using epidemiological information to develop effective integrated virus disease management strategies
RAC Jones
Virus Research 100 (1), 5-30, 2004
Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum)
RAC Jones, R KOENIG, DE Lesemann
Annals of Applied Biology 94 (1), 61-68, 1980
The behaviour of potato mop‐top virus in soil, and evidence for its transmission by Spongospora subterranea (Wallr.) Lagerh.
RAC Jones, BD Harrison
Annals of Applied Biology 63 (1), 1-17, 1969
Viral Diseases in Potato
JF Kreuze, JAC Souza-Dias, A Jeevalatha, AR Figueira, JPT Valkonen, ...
The Potato Crop Its Agricultural, Nutritional and Social Contribution to …, 2020
Influence of climate change on plant disease infections and epidemics caused by viruses and bacteria
RAC Jones, MJ Barbetti
CAB Reviews 7 (022), 1-32, 2012
Future Scenarios for Plant Virus Pathogens as Climate Change Progresses
RAC Jones
Advances in Virus Research 95, 87-147, 2016
Unravelling the genetic diversity of the three main viruses involved in sweet potato virus disease (SPVD), and its practical implications
F Tairo, SB Mukasa, RAC Jones, A Kullaya, PR Rubaihayo, JPT Valkonen
Molecular Plant Pathology 6 (2), 199-211, 2005
Wild plants and viruses: under‐investigated ecosystems
I Cooper, RAC Jones
Advances in virus research 67, 1-47, 2006
Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus: Rapidly Increasing Global Distribution, Etiology, Epidemiology, and Management
A Dombrovsky, LTT Tran-Nguyen, RAC Jones
Annual Review of Phytopathology 55, 231–256, 2017
A polymerase chain reaction assay for cucumber mosaic virus in lupin seeds
S Wylie, CR Wilson, RAC Jones, MGK Jones
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 44 (1), 41-51, 1993
Quantification of Yield Losses Caused by Barley yellow dwarf virus in Wheat and Oats
SJ McKirdy, RAC Jones, FW Nutter Jr
Plant Disease 86 (7), 769-773, 2002
Control of plant virus diseases
RAC Jones
Advances in Virus Research 67, 205-244, 2006
BYDV PREDICTOR: a simulation model to predict aphid arrival, epidemics of Barley yellow dwarf virus and yield losses in wheat crops in a Mediterranean‐type …
DJ Thackray, AJ Diggle, RAC Jones
Plant Pathology 58 (1), 186-202, 2009
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