Onset of major Pleistocene glaciations in the Alps G Muttoni, C Carcano, E Garzanti, M Ghielmi, A Piccin, R Pini, S Rogledi, ... Geology 31 (11), 989-992, 2003 | 315 | 2003 |
Evidence of a two-fold glacial advance during the last glacial maximum in the Tagliamento end moraine system (eastern Alps) G Monegato, C Ravazzi, M Donegana, R Pini, G Calderoni, L Wick Quaternary Research 68 (2), 284-302, 2007 | 247 | 2007 |
Circum-Mediterranean fire activity and climate changes during the mid-Holocene environmental transition (8500-2500 cal. BP) B Vannière, MJ Power, N Roberts, W Tinner, J Carrión, M Magny, ... The Holocene 21 (1), 53-73, 2011 | 235 | 2011 |
Interactions between climate and vegetation during the Lateglacial period as recorded by lake and mire sediment archives in Northern Italy and Southern Switzerland E Vescovi, C Ravazzi, E Arpenti, W Finsinger, R Pini, V Valsecchi, L Wick, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (11-12), 1650-1669, 2007 | 169 | 2007 |
Pollen stratigraphy, vegetation and climate history of the last 215 ka in the Azzano Decimo core (plain of Friuli, north-eastern Italy) R Pini, C Ravazzi, M Donegana Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (13-14), 1268-1290, 2009 | 137 | 2009 |
Migration and population expansion of Abies, Fagus, Picea, and Quercus since 15000 years in and across the Alps, based on pollen-percentage threshold values WO van der Knaap, JFN van Leeuwen, W Finsinger, E Gobet, R Pini, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (5-6), 645-680, 2005 | 123 | 2005 |
The vegetation and climate history of the last glacial cycle in a new pollen record from Lake Fimon (southern Alpine foreland, N-Italy) R Pini, C Ravazzi, PJ Reimer Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (23-24), 3115-3137, 2010 | 116 | 2010 |
Il Tardoglaciale nelle Alpi italiane e in Pianura Padana. Evoluzione stratigrafica, storia della vegetazione e del popolamento antropico C Ravazzi, M Peresani, R Pini, E Vescovi Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary 20 (2), 163-184, 2007 | 107 | 2007 |
From pristine forests to high‐altitude pastures: an ecological approach to prehistoric human impact on vegetation and landscapes in the western Italian Alps R Pini, C Ravazzi, L Raiteri, A Guerreschi, L Castellano, R Comolli Journal of Ecology 105 (6), 1580-1597, 2017 | 90 | 2017 |
The latest LGM culmination of the Garda Glacier (Italian Alps) and the onset of glacial termination. Age of glacial collapse and vegetation chronosequence C Ravazzi, R Pini, F Badino, M De Amicis, L Londeix, PJ Reimer Quaternary Science Reviews 105, 26-47, 2014 | 88 | 2014 |
A high-resolution late-glacial–holocene pollen diagram from Pian di Gembro (Central Alps, Northern Italy) R Pini Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 11, 251-262, 2002 | 85 | 2002 |
Underestimation of fine grain quartz OSL dating towards the Eemian: comparison with palynostratigraphy from Azzano Decimo, northeastern Italy SE Lowick, F Preusser, R Pini, C Ravazzi Quaternary Geochronology 5 (5), 583-590, 2010 | 81 | 2010 |
Holocene dynamics of tree taxa populations in Italy D Magri, E Agrillo, F Di Rita, G Furlanetto, R Pini, C Ravazzi, F Spada Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 218, 267-284, 2015 | 71 | 2015 |
Magnetostratigraphic dating of an intensification of glacial activity in the southern Italian Alps during Marine Isotope Stage 22 G Muttoni, C Ravazzi, M Breda, R Pini, C Laj, C Kissel, A Mazaud, ... Quaternary Research 67 (1), 161-173, 2007 | 69 | 2007 |
An overview of Alpine and Mediterranean palaeogeography, terrestrial ecosystems and climate history during MIS 3 with focus on the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition F Badino, R Pini, C Ravazzi, D Margaritora, S Arrighi, E Bortolini, C Figus, ... Quaternary International 551, 7-28, 2020 | 66 | 2020 |
Stratigraphy of the Ivrea Morainic Amphitheatre (NW Italy). An updated synthesis. F Gianotti, MG Forno, IO Susan, G Monegato, R Pini, C Ravazzi Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary 28 (1), 29-58, 2015 | 63 | 2015 |
The lacustrine deposits of Fornaci di Ranica (late Early Pleistocene, Italian Pre-Alps): stratigraphy, palaeoenvironment and geological evolution C Ravazzi, R Pini, M Breda, E Martinetto, G Muttoni, S Chiesa, ... Quaternary International 131 (1), 35-58, 2005 | 62 | 2005 |
Hunter-gatherers across the great Adriatic-Po region during the Last Glacial Maximum: Environmental and cultural dynamics M Peresani, G Monegato, C Ravazzi, S Bertola, D Margaritora, M Breda, ... Quaternary International 581, 128-163, 2021 | 58 | 2021 |
Early life of Neanderthals A Nava, F Lugli, M Romandini, F Badino, D Evans, AH Helbling, G Oxilia, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (46), 28719-28726, 2020 | 55 | 2020 |
8800 years of high-altitude vegetation and climate history at the Rutor Glacier forefield, Italian Alps. Evidence of middle Holocene timberline rise and glacier contraction F Badino, C Ravazzi, F Valle, R Pini, A Aceti, M Brunetti, E Champvillair, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 185, 41-68, 2018 | 52 | 2018 |