Yanxia Sun
Yanxia Sun
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Science,University of Johannesburg
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A survey of ensemble learning: Concepts, algorithms, applications, and prospects
ID Mienye, Y Sun
Ieee Access 10, 99129-99149, 2022
Performance Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems Using a Feature Selection Method on the UNSW-NB15 Dataset
SM Kasongo, Y Sun
Journal of Big Data 7 (105), 1-20, 2020
A deep learning method with wrapper based feature extraction for wireless intrusion detection system
SM Kasongo, Y Sun
Computers & Security 92, 101752, 2020
A machine learning based credit card fraud detection using the GA algorithm for feature selection
E Ileberi, Y Sun, Z Wang
Journal of Big Data 9 (1), 1-17, 2022
An improved ensemble learning approach for the prediction of heart disease risk
ID Mienye, Y Sun, Z Wang
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 20, 100402, 2020
A deep learning method with filter based feature engineering for wireless intrusion detection system
SM Kasongo, Y Sun
IEEE access 7, 38597-38607, 2019
Prediction performance of improved decision tree-based algorithms: a review
ID Mienye, Y Sun, Z Wang
Procedia Manufacturing 35, 698-703, 2019
A hyperchaotic system without equilibrium
Z Wang, S Cang, EO Ochola, Y Sun
Nonlinear Dynamics 69, 531-537, 2012
Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods for Credit Card fraud Detection using SMOTE and AdaBoost
E Ileberi, Y Sun, Z Wang
IEEE Access 9 (2021), 165286-165294, 2021
Performance analysis of cost-sensitive learning methods with application to imbalanced medical data
ID Mienye, Y Sun
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 25 (100690), 1-10, 2021
Load frequency controllers considering renewable energy integration in power system
DH Tungadio, Y Sun
Energy Reports 5, 436-453, 2019
Multi-objective for optimal placement and sizing DG units in reducing loss of power and enhancing voltage profile using BPSO-SLFA
AS Hassan, Y Sun, Z Wang
Energy Reports 6, 1581-1589, 2020
Improved sparse autoencoder based artificial neural network approach for prediction of heart disease
ID Mienye, Y Sun, Z Wang
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 18, 100307, 2020
A deep learning ensemble with data resampling for credit card fraud detection
ID Mienye, Y Sun
Ieee Access 11, 30628-30638, 2023
A deep long short-term memory based classifier for wireless intrusion detection system
SM Kasongo, Y Sun
ICT Express 6 (2), 98-103, 2020
Optimized energy consumption model for smart home using improved differential evolution algorithm
IO Essiet, Y Sun, Z Wang
Energy 172, 354-365, 2019
Multi‐objective optimisation for composite generation and transmission expansion planning considering offshore wind power and feed‐in tariffs
SL Gbadamosi, NI Nwulu, Y Sun
IET Renewable Power Generation 12 (14), 1687-1697, 2018
Improved Heart Disease Prediction Using Particle Swarm Optimization Based Stacked Sparse Autoencoder
ID Mienye, Y Sun
Electronics 10 (19), 2347, 2021
Parallel Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection
A Olugboja, Z Wang, Y Sun
Journal of Advances in Information Technology 12 (4), 279-286, 2021
Optimization techniques applied for optimal planning and integration of renewable energy sources based on distributed generation: Recent trends
A Shuaibu Hassan, Y Sun, Z Wang
Cogent Engineering 7 (1), 1766394, 2020
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