Heini Utunen
Heini Utunen
Doctor of Philosophy from Tampere University
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Technical specifications for invasive and non-invasive ventilators for COVID-19: Interim guidance, 15 April 2020
(2020 World Health Organization
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: World …, 2020
Tackling NCDs: best buys and other recommended interventions for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases
World Health Organization
World Health Organization, 2024
Global reach of an online COVID-19 course in multiple languages on OpenWHO in the first quarter of 2020: analysis of platform use data
H Utunen, N Ndiaye, C Piroux, R George, M Attias, G Gamhewage
Journal of Medical Internet Research 22 (4), e19076, 2020
Tasa-arvoinen turvallisuus?: sukupuolten yhdenvertaisuus suomalaisessa maanpuolustuksessa ja kriisinhallinnassa
P Jukarainen, S Terävä
Responding to global learning needs during a pandemic: an analysis of the trends in platform use and incidence of COVID-19
H Utunen, R George, N Ndiaye, M Attias, C Piroux, G Gamhewage
Education Sciences 10 (11), 345, 2020
Weekly Epidemiological Record, 2022, vol. 97, 40 [full issue]
O mondiale de la Santé, World Health Organization
Wkly. epidemiol. rec, 493-512, 2022
WHO glossary for health emergency and disaster risk management
World Health Organization
World Health Organization, 2020
Ensuring equity in access to online courses: Perspectives from the WHO health emergency learning response
R George, H Utunen, N Ndiaye, A Tokar, L Mattar, C Piroux, ...
World Medical & Health Policy 14 (2), 413-427, 2022
One year of pandemic learning response: benefits of massive online delivery of the World Health Organization’s technical guidance
H Utunen, MD Van Kerkhove, A Tokar, G O'Connell, GM Gamhewage, ...
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 7 (4), e28945, 2021
Advances in informatics, management and technology in healthcare
J Mantas, P Gallos, E Zoulias
IOS Press, 2022
Learning multiplier effect of OpenWHO. org: use of online learning materials beyond the platform/Effet multiplicateur d'apprentissage de OpenWHO. org: utilisation de materiels …
H Utunen, M Attias, R George, G O'Connell, A Tokar
Weekly Epidemiological Record 97 (1-2), 1-8, 2022
Learning from a massive open online COVID-19 vaccination training experience: survey study
S Goldin, SYJ Kong, A Tokar, H Utunen, N Ndiaye, J Bahl, R Appuhamy, ...
JMIR public health and surveillance 7 (12), e33455, 2021
The importance of health informatics in public health during a pandemic
J Mantas, A Hasman, MS Househ
IOS Press, 2020
Global access to OpenWHO’s online learning resources for COVID-19
H Utunen, M Attias, R George, N Ndiaye, C Piroux, MR Farzi, A Sy, ...
The Importance of Health Informatics in Public Health during a Pandemic, 304-305, 2020
Delivering WHO’s life-saving information in real-time during a pandemic through an online learning platform: evidence from global use
H Utunen, R George, N Ndiaye, A Tokar, M Attias, G Gamhewage
Public Health and Informatics, 969-973, 2021
Digital transformation of face-to-face focus group methodology: Engaging a globally dispersed audience to manage institutional change at the World Health Organization
G Gamhewage, ME Mahmoud, A Tokar, M Attias, C Mylonas, S Canna, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research 24 (5), e28911, 2022
Changes in users trends before and during the COVID-19 pandemic on WHO’s online learning platform
H Utunen, N Ndiaye, L Mattar, P Christen, O Stucke, G Gamhewage
Applying the FAIR Principles to Accelerate Health Research in Europe in the …, 2021
Evaluating Complexity of Digital Learning in a Multilingual Context: A Cross-Linguistic Study on WHO’s Emergency Learning Platform
Y Zhao, G Samo, H Utunen, O Stucke, G Gamhewage
Public Health and Informatics, 516-517, 2021
Fast-tracking WHO’s COVID-19 technical guidance to training for the frontline
G Gamhewage, H Utunen, M Attias, R George
Weekly Epidemiological Record, 257-64, 2020
OpenWHO: Integrating Online Knowledge Transfer into Health Emergency Response.
T Rohloff, H Utunen, J Renz, Y Zhao, G Gamhewage, C Meinel
EC-TEL (Practitioner Proceedings), 2018
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