Taewoo Roh
Taewoo Roh
Nama lainnya노 태우
Hanyang University, School of International Studies
Email yang diverifikasi di hanyang.ac.kr - Beranda
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Unveiling ways to reach organic purchase: Green perceived value, perceived knowledge, attitude, subjective norm, and trust
T Roh, J Seok, Y Kim
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 67, 102988, 2022
How do intellectual property rights and government support drive a firm's green innovation? The mediating role of open innovation
T Roh, K Lee, JY Yang
Journal of Cleaner Production 317, 128422, 2021
Do information and service quality affect perceived privacy protection, satisfaction, and loyalty? Evidence from a Chinese O2O-based mobile shopping application
Y Kim, Q Wang, T Roh
Telematics and informatics 56, 101483, 2021
Structural relationships of a firm's green strategies for environmental performance: The roles of green supply chain management and green marketing innovation
T Roh, J Noh, Y Oh, KS Park
Journal of Cleaner Production 356, 131877, 2022
Eco-innovation for sustainability: Evidence from 49 countries in Asia and Europe
JH Jo, T Roh, S Kim, YC Youn, MS Park, KJ Han, EK Jang
Sustainability 7 (12), 16820-16835, 2015
What makes consumers trust and adopt fintech? An empirical investigation in China
T Roh, YS Yang, S Xiao, BI Park
Electronic Commerce Research 24, 3-35, 2024
The effect of eWom on purchase intention for Korean-brand cars in Russia: The mediating role of brand image and perceived quality
Y Evgeniy, K Lee, T Roh
Journal of Korea Trade 23 (5), 102-117, 2019
Policy instruments for eco-innovation in Asian countries
EK Jang, MS Park, TW Roh, KJ Han
Sustainability 7 (9), 12586-12614, 2015
Open for green innovation: From the perspective of green process and green consumer innovation
JY Yang, T Roh
Sustainability 11 (12), 3234, 2019
Not good, not bad: The effect of family control on environmental performance disclosure by business group firms
A Terlaak, S Kim, T Roh
Journal of Business Ethics 153 (4), 977-996, 2018
Unpacking the sustainable performance in the business ecosystem: Coopetition strategy, open innovation, and digitalization capability
MJ Lee, T Roh
Journal of Cleaner Production 412, 137433, 2023
Modified pyramid of CSR for corporate image and customer loyalty: Focusing on the moderating role of the CSR experience
SS Lee, Y Kim, T Roh
Sustainability 11 (17), 4745, 2019
Pro-environmental behavior on electric vehicle use intention: Integrating value-belief-norm theory and theory of planned behavior
SS Lee, Y Kim, T Roh
Journal of Cleaner Production 418, 138211, 2023
Social entrepreneurship education as an innovation hub for building an entrepreneurial ecosystem: The case of the KAIST social entrepreneurship MBA program
MG Kim, JH Lee, T Roh, H Son
Sustainability 12 (22), 9736, 2020
Taking another look at airline CSR: How required CSR and desired CSR affect customer loyalty in the airline industry
Y Kim, SS Lee, T Roh
Sustainability 12 (10), 4281, 2020
Adoption of AI-enabled Robo-advisors in Fintech: Simultaneous Employment of UTAUT and the Theory of Reasoned Action
T Roh, BI Park, SS Xiao
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 24 (1), 29-47, 2023
Chinese multinationals’ FDI motivations: suggestion for a new theory
BI Park, T Roh
International Journal of Emerging Markets 14 (1), 70-90, 2019
Digitalization capability and sustainable performance in emerging markets: mediating roles of in/out-bound open innovation and coopetition strategy
MJ Lee, T Roh
Management Decision, 2023
The influence of authentic leadership on authentic followership, positive psychological capital, and project performance: Testing for the mediation effects
J Tak, J Seo, T Roh
Sustainability 11 (21), 6028, 2019
The intention of using wearable devices: Based on modified technology acceptance model
JY Jeong, T Roh
Journal of Digital Convergence 15 (4), 205-212, 2017
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