Patrik Ferrari
Patrik Ferrari
Email yang diverifikasi di uni-bonn.de
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Fluctuation properties of the TASEP with periodic initial configuration
A Borodin, PL Ferrari, M Prähofer, T Sasamoto
Journal of Statistical Physics 129 (5-6), 1055-1080, 2007
Anisotropic growth of random surfaces in 2+ 1 dimensions
A Borodin, PL Ferrari
Communications in Mathematical Physics 325 (2), 603-684, 2014
Scaling limit for the space-time covariance of the stationary totally asymmetric simple exclusion process
PL Ferrari, H Spohn
Communications in mathematical physics 265, 1-44, 2006
Free energy fluctuations for directed polymers in random media in 1+ 1 dimension
A Borodin, I Corwin, P Ferrari
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 67 (7), 1129-1214, 2014
Large time asymptotics of growth models on space-like paths I: PushASEP
A Borodin, P Ferrari
Height fluctuations for the stationary KPZ equation
A Borodin, I Corwin, P Ferrari, B Vető
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 18, 1-95, 2015
Optimisation of large-radius jet reconstruction for the ATLAS detector in 13 TeV proton–proton collisions
G Aad, B Abbott, DC Abbott, AA Abud, K Abeling, DK Abhayasinghe, ...
The European Physical Journal C 81 (4), 334, 2021
Transition between Airy1 and Airy2 processes and TASEP fluctuations
A Borodin, PL Ferrari, T Sasamoto
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2008
Large time asymptotics of growth models on space-like paths II: PNG and parallel TASEP
A Borodin, PL Ferrari, T Sasamoto
Communications in mathematical physics 283, 417-449, 2008
Step fluctuations for a faceted crystal
PL Ferrari, H Spohn
Journal of statistical physics 113, 1-46, 2003
Random growth models
PL Ferrari, H Spohn
arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.0881, 2010
Limit process of stationary TASEP near the characteristic line
J Baik, PL Ferrari, S Péché
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2010
Polynuclear growth on a flat substrate and edge scaling of GOE eigenvalues
PL Ferrari
Communications in mathematical physics 252, 77-109, 2004
A determinantal formula for the GOE Tracy–Widom distribution
PL Ferrari, H Spohn
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 (33), L557, 2005
Fluctuations in the Discrete TASEP with Periodic Initial Configurations and the Airy1 Process
A Borodin, PL Ferrari, P Michael
International Mathematics Research Papers 2007, rpm002, 2007
Search for heavy resonances decaying into a pair of Z bosons in the and final states using 139 of proton–proton collisions at TeV with …
G Aad, ATLAS Collaboration atlas. publications@ cern. ch, B Abbott, ...
The European Physical Journal C 81 (4), 332, 2021
Universality of slow decorrelation in KPZ growth
I Corwin, PL Ferrari, S Péché
Annales de l'IHP Probabilités et statistiques 48 (1), 134-150, 2012
Domino tilings and the six-vertex model at its free-fermion point
PL Ferrari, H Spohn
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (33), 10297, 2006
Slow decorrelations in Kardar–Parisi–Zhang growth
PL Ferrari
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2008 (07), P07022, 2008
The Airy1 Process is not the Limit of the Largest Eigenvalue in GOE Matrix Diffusion
F Bornemann, PL Ferrari, M Prähofer
Journal of Statistical Physics 133, 405-415, 2008
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