Rakesh K Behera
Rakesh K Behera
Industry Assistant Professor
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Mixed Bloch-Néel-Ising character of ferroelectric domain walls
D Lee, RK Behera, P Wu, H Xu, YL Li, SB Sinnott, SR Phillpot, LQ Chen, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (6), 060102, 2009
Prediction of high-temperature point defect formation in TiO2 from combined ab initio and thermodynamic calculations
J He, RK Behera, MW Finnis, X Li, EC Dickey, SR Phillpot, SB Sinnott
Acta Materialia 55 (13), 4325-4337, 2007
Polymorphism in the 1: 1 charge‐transfer complex DBTTF–TCNQ and its effects on optical and electronic properties
KP Goetz, J Tsutsumi, S Pookpanratana, J Chen, NS Corbin, RK Behera, ...
Advanced electronic materials 2 (10), 1600203, 2016
Structure and energetics of 180 domain walls in PbTiO3 by density functional theory
RK Behera, CW Lee, D Lee, AN Morozovska, SB Sinnott, A Asthagiri, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (17), 175902, 2011
Graphene-reinforced aluminum matrix composites: a review of synthesis methods and properties
F Chen, N Gupta, RK Behera, PK Rohatgi
Jom 70 (6), 837-845, 2018
Extracting elastic modulus at different strain rates and temperatures from dynamic mechanical analysis data: A study on nanocomposites
X Xu, C Koomson, M Doddamani, RK Behera, N Gupta
Composites Part B: Engineering 159, 346-354, 2019
Atomistic models to investigate thorium dioxide (ThO2)
RK Behera, CS Deo
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (21), 215405, 2012
Linking atomic and mesoscopic scales for the modelling of the transport properties of uranium dioxide under irradiation
M Bertolus, M Freyss, B Dorado, G Martin, K Hoang, S Maillard, R Skorek, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 462, 475-495, 2015
A charge optimized many-body (comb) potential for titanium and titania
YT Cheng, TR Shan, T Liang, RK Behera, SR Phillpot, SB Sinnott
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 (31), 315007, 2014
A critical assessment of interatomic potentials for ceria with application to its elastic properties
H Xu, RK Behera, Y Wang, F Ebrahimi, SB Sinnott, ED Wachsman, ...
Solid State Ionics 181 (11-12), 551-556, 2010
Energetics of charged point defects in rutile TiO2 by density functional theory
X Li, MW Finnis, J He, RK Behera, SR Phillpot, SB Sinnott, EC Dickey
Acta Materialia 57 (19), 5882-5891, 2009
Stoichiometry of the (010) surface determined from first-principles and thermodynamic calculations
CW Lee, RK Behera, ED Wachsman, SR Phillpot, SB Sinnott
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (11), 115418, 2011
Ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism in EuTiO nanowires
AN Morozovska, MD Glinchuk, RK Behera, B Zaulychny, CS Deo, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (20), 205403, 2011
New multiferroics based on EuxSr1− xTiO3 nanotubes and nanowires
EA Eliseev, MD Glinchuk, VV Khist, CW Lee, CS Deo, RK Behera, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (2), 2013
In-situ micro-CT characterization of mechanical properties and failure mechanism of cementitious syntactic foams
HK Bas, W Jin, N Gupta, RK Behera
Cement and Concrete Composites 90, 50-60, 2018
Electronic Properties of 1, 5-Diaminonaphthalene: Tetrahalo-1, 4-benzoquinone Donor–Acceptor Cocrystals
RK Behera, NR Goud, AJ Matzger, JL Brédas, V Coropceanu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (42), 23633-23641, 2017
Stabilization Mechanisms of LaFeO3 (010) Surfaces Determined with First Principles Calculations
CW Lee, RK Behera, S Okamoto, R Devanathan, ED Wachsman, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 94 (6), 1931-1939, 2011
The mineralogy and structure of use-wear polish on chert
P Schmidt, A Rodriguez, K Yanamandra, RK Behera, R Iovita
Scientific Reports 10, 21512, 2020
Coupling of surface relaxation and polarization inPbTiO3 from atomistic simulation
RK Behera, BB Hinojosa, SB Sinnott, A Asthagiri, SR Phillpot
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (39), 395004, 2008
Novel high-temperature, high-power handling all-Cu interconnections through low-temperature sintering of nanocopper foams
N Shahane, K Mohan, R Behera, A Antoniou, PR Markondeya, V Smet, ...
2016 IEEE 66th electronic components and technology conference (ECTC), 829-836, 2016
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